Source Code

Hobo Bait

When a hobo finds you attractive.

While carrying out my groceries from the supermarket a group of hobos noticed me. I realized my groceries made me, "Hobo Bait".

by Iron01 May 5, 2009

29πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

nigger bait

A white female who has the unconscious ability to attract black males.

I can't even go out in public with my girlfriend. She's total nigger bait.

by weagle December 5, 2007

572πŸ‘ 146πŸ‘Ž

Bait and Switch

The policy used by Bell Mobility to get more money out of their customers. They will *bait* you in with offers of really good stuff, then switch the offers around behind your back, often with the excuse of "that was just a promotion" or "you must have changed it yourself"

Bell: We'll give you this really good plan.
You: I'll take it.
*bill arrives without the really good plan*

by James Hannan April 26, 2005

289πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž

Chav baiting

this is possibly the best idea i've ever come across, its like a sport, you find a herd of fresh chav scum, chase them, scare the living shit outta them and then, you beat the shit outta them and leave them there in a heap on the floor begging for daddy to save them. almost like genocide, but on the dogshit of our community.a general cadidate for communial sport of hte year!

oh look janice, a chav, lets throttle him and probe his pea-brain with our napalmed knitting needles...And then some... ; WOW - Chav baiting, lets legalise this fantastic idea!

by chav h8a 2005 October 3, 2005

420πŸ‘ 106πŸ‘Ž

anti bait

A spray or fragrance used to cover up the smell of cannabis and tobacco so the other people can’t smell the substance on you.

Fuck me im stoned, hit me up with some anti bait so I don’t smell.

by BOC123 March 1, 2018

Date baited

The act of someone asking another out as a practical joke for them to accept.

He got date baited by Karen
Karen- "will you go out with me"
Him- "sure"
Karen- "Just kidding your one of my best friends"

by father.louis March 3, 2019

Bad bait

Term used by the Minecraft Vanilla PvP community as of 2021, most commonly used by user "SyndicateNA" before it spread throughout the community. Used to call out someone on bad usage of "bait".

Crey6712: LOL!! You're actually so fucking horrid
SyndicateNA: Bad bait

by The_Antagonist January 21, 2023