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Someone trying to take things from balanced to imbalanced.

He/she kept trying to throw things off by counter-balancing everything all the time, even when it wasn't actually helping anybody but him/her. Since he/she held nothing sacred, no underdog or favorite, they were all just pawns like everyone and everything else to him/her.

by The Original Agahnim November 15, 2021


Zhang Yixing was the creator of this word.

"Some people have this type of balance. Everyone has to look for the type of balance most suitable for them. What we talk about is more the nature and degree of coordination"


by Yixing's Butthole February 13, 2018


Balance is not moving a Confederate statue somewhere nobody will argue over it and keeping it hidden, like an ostrich head. Balance is a Martin Luther King statue here in your face, and right next to it is a Confederate statue in your face, whether you like it or not. It's not compromising everything to get along, since that's a good way to end up fucked by the people trying to get you to compromise (and lose) everything.

Balance is not always pretty or peaceful, and it isn't meant to be that way.

by Solid Mantis April 14, 2021


Balance is the (sometimes same) old shit and the new shit. The old friends and the new friends, and never replacing one with the other for anybody.

Someone had tried to throw him/her off balance.

by Solid Mantis April 14, 2021


Something that does not exist in this life especially Nigeria

“How is life going,” she said

“This life is not balance at all,” he said

by The Mandalorian October 17, 2020


a situation in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions.

You're not a Slave, balance njayam. Have fun.

by Brad Biz November 24, 2021

competitive balance

Competitive balance is a concept used for good game making in multiplayer, player versus player games where different characters have different stats.

Basically, no single character type will be better than the other character types.

So if the character types are warrior, archer, and mage, a game that maintains competitive balance will have archers beat mages, mages beat warriors, and warriors beat archers for example.

Note that this is a generalized concept. An archer could theoretically beat a warrior in a fight in the above example, but generally, warriors will have the advantage over archers.

Also known as Elemental Rock Paper Scissors when elements are involved.

*Playing Super Smash Brothers Brawl*
"So who are you gonna be?"
"I like Meta Knight. I'm gonna be him."
"Are you crazy? He breaks competitive balance he's so over powered!"

by suntan50 December 20, 2015