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square brain

when your always confused and you're kind of stupid

"I don't get this, I have square brain"

by That Random BLANK April 23, 2020

48๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

brain drain

When an organization or community is doing poorly enough that its smartest people, seeing the writing on the wall, leave for better opportunities elsewhere. This is common in business and other organizations that perpetuate a common goal or mission and once purged it typically accelerates the demise of the organiztion.

For example: Facebook's poor stock performance since it's IPO and lack of favorable stock options for employees puts them at risk of brain drain. Many will likely head over to Google or Apple, but they'll be in trouble.

Mark Zuckerberg: Sheryl, can find me those repots on Zynga's...Hey?! Why are wearing a Google sweatshirt?!

Sheryl Sandberg: Sorry Mark. We had a good run, but your lack of focus on ad revenue and overvalued IPO has caused this drop in FB stock value with no end in sight. I and the others are leaving before the stock tanks.

Mark Z: The others? They're all leaving Facebook? You can't! We'll never survive this brain drain!

Sheryl: Yeah, sorry. You should've thought about that before going public.

by Tenacious Faulker August 3, 2012

51๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

yoga brain

a blissed trance state of relaxation after yoga class

I can't answer your question! I've still got yoga brain from my evening class.

by Doctor Science November 22, 2010

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Brain Fuckler

A mythical creature that befuddles his unwitting victim by fuckling the shit out of their minds.

Sometimes, if I'm fast enough, I catch a glimpse of the Brain Fuckler, just fucklin' the shit out of everyone... and we don't even know it.

by Pizzozo February 14, 2008

152๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

shit for brains

Stupidity; idiocy; etc. A person who has "shit for brains" behaves stupidly. "Shit for brains" refers to brainlessness.

Gee, Jim, you are one stupid ass; you must have shit for brains!

by RC59 September 4, 2013

41๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

bad brains

a legendary all-black hardcore Rasta punk band that incorporated elements of reggae and metal in their music. One of the best live bands ever. Their riffs will be stuck in your head all day. Simply the best hardcore band ever.

The Bad Brains rule...it's that simple

by Soulcraft April 19, 2005

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Car brain

Derogatory term for vehicle drivers, whose cognitive functions have been impaired by the act of driving.

Long term dependency on their car has caused their brain to atrophy to such an extent that they barely recognize pedestrians as human. The car brain will speed in parking lots where they share right-of-way with pedestrians, will block the entirety of a crosswalk while waiting for the green light, overtake bikes without giving enough room, splash pedestrians with water by hitting puddles at full speed, et cetera

Look at that, some car brain parked in the bike lane. Sure would be a shame if someone keyed them.

by Chad Pedestrian August 29, 2021

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