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Caucasian Cadillac

A white persons Buick Park Avenue

Yo Look at Carrboy in his Caucasian Cadillac bumping hard in the paint rolling the Buick Park Avenue

by Carrboy Experience June 12, 2023

Float like a Cadillac, Sting like a Beemer

Referring to the quote from the movie "Cars," it is believed to be coined off of Muhammad Ali's "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee."

But in the movie it seems to be a variation of Ali's quote but in "racing terms," since both Cadillac and Beemer (BMW) are both real life car manufacturers.

"Float like a Cadillac, sting like a beemer."
- Doc Hudson and Lightning Mcqueen

"Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee"
- Muhammad Ali

"He's driving so smooth and fast, it's like he's floating like a Cadillac and stinging like a Beemer"

by dabickler December 24, 2024

Cadillac Music

The genres of Southern Hip Hop, Atlanta rap. Sick tunes to bump to in your or your besties Cadillac. Songs made by real playas for real ballas.

Popularised in the debut album of Outkast, and song of the same name.


.....Cadillac Music....

It's that Southernplayalisticadillac funky music
Now players if you choose it
You better make sure you don't abuse it
We gonna get cha high, high

by da-real-anon July 21, 2021

cadillac pissing

When you going commando and you have to piss. Some rolls out like a Cadillac.

Man, I had to piss so bad and I was cammando, that shit rolled out like a cadillac pissing!

by Roonsta January 21, 2018

Cadillac style

When you hit somone with your car, so they can't fight back and you have your way with them!

I nailed a chick Cadillac style yesterday after work. She didn't know what hit her.......

by Cadillac ranch June 1, 2024

slat back cadillac

A cadillac barrity that has a slanted trunk that also has a trunk mounted contiental kit and contiental buckles or deckstraps

Slat back cadillac

by still walkin October 26, 2008

Cadillac Camping

Camping In luxury and bringing more than you need.

Do we really need a gas generator for two nights in the woods?

Hell yeah! We are Cadillac Camping.

by Lil PP big heart March 31, 2021