Using Ketamine and Cocaine at the same time. Name comes from the cartoon animal on the box of Mexican Ketamine that is smuggled over the border for sale in the United States
Cartooning is almost as good as a candy flip"
A parents' referring of Saturday morning cartoon blocks. Line taken from the 1995 fantasy film, The Indian In The Cupboard.
"I feel like I haven't seen you in days. Cartoon day tomorrow.", "Well, imma just chill and have a Pepsi tomorrow, it's cartoon day on CBS.", "Cartoon day's on Telemundo tomorrow, will you watch?"
Deleted Family Guy gags that are unfunny and cringe
“Hey! You should watch Seth McFarlane’s Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy!”
“No, that show is so unfunny, I barfed”
Best fucking band in Hudson, WI. Three divorced dads and a confirmed bachelor bring the full force of all Urban Dictionary terms to each show they play. Lead by Tyler and his gargantuan Tyceps, guitar by Brant the pant filler, Patrick on lead bass, and the red drummer. Cartoon Graveyard was formed when the dust settled after the four whoresmen decided they were sick of not having enough fun on their own, they teamed up to redefine the cover band genre by playing only good songs people would enjoy.
Hey, Cartoon Graveyard, play freebird! Fuck off, we play onlyjams certified good music.
(1) a animated television series
(2) a animated feature film
Ren & Stimpy is my favorite cartoon series from the 90s
A internet and gaming name
When I played my PS4 I changed my name to Cartoon