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verb. The collection of loud, obnoxious noises, and motions that come from a teenager whose cell phone has been turned off, stopped working, or confiscated.

My daughter is having a 'Cell-tantrum' her phone has been off for a week.

by jtkds300 September 30, 2009

Cell Max

Cell Max is the holy being from the dragon ball series, he is the strongest foe they ever had to face, with his amazing feats of one shotting Gohan, killing Piccolo, ripping Broly in half, and many more

Damn dude, Cell Max might just be the best anime character ever.

by Cell Max May 21, 2023


When someone plays, texts, emails, etc. with their cell phone while you are talking to them. The attention to the phone takes priority over you and your conversation.

In the middle of a conversation I was cell-snubbed when my sister got a text on her phone.

by aim1981 July 22, 2010

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cell phone

Proof that we are living in the future

Time traveler from the 1970s: Why are all these people talking to themselves?

Teenager in the present day: They're talking on cell phones, duh.

by Rasnodar February 11, 2011

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Splinter Cell

One of the greatest video game series of this generation. Splinter Cell revolves around you (Sam Fisher) going on espionage missions for the NSA. The actually stories are a bit complicated I don't even stand all of it myself but I don't play games for stories.

Unlike most game series, this one gets better with each release. Comparing it to MGS is just silly, they are two amazing franchises.

Chaos Theory (3rd of the series, not counting the shitty handheld versions) is one of my favorite games ever. It eliminates all the trial and error of the first two and really makes it much more enjoyable(I've beaten it 7 times already). It's so flexible and flat out amazing in terms of everything that makes a game good. Good graphics, amazing soundtrack, deep and flexible gameplay, and replayiblity. Don't get me started on how amazing the multiplayer is because words don't do it justice. It's so genious yet so underrated.

Splinter Cell games so far:

Splinter Cell
Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
Splinter Cell: Double Agent

The new one (Double Agent) is due out very soon. It will own your soul.

by aldwardo October 13, 2006

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cell phone

The cell phone is a device originally intended to allow communication over long distances without the need of a grounded connection. however, recently, the cell phone has become the equivalent of a pace maker to many people.

millions of people in the world would die a slow and painful death due to not being in constant contact with there friends and family.

The use of new ever smaller cell phones has also caused much confusion due to the fact that you have no clue who they are talking to.

cell phones have shown to cause severe damage to the brains of rodents who were exposed to an active cell phone for extensive periods of time.

While oringinally intended to be a communications device, the cell phone has found many other uses, including angering the older population with people who walk around seemingly talking to themselves.

by weylin May 14, 2007

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Phantom Cell

A sensation that a cell phone is vibrating when it isn't. Experienced by someone who is used to carrying around a cell phone in a pocket or close the their body. This phenomenon can occur even if the person doesn't have the cell phone. Similar to phantom limb syndrome.

Whoa, I could have sworn my cellie was vibrating. But when I went to get it out of my pocket, it wasn't even there. I guess I just had a phantom cell experience.

by Michael C. Anglin January 9, 2008

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