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Chav- Council house, alcoholic violence
Such a definition can already give you a pretty good idea as to what sort of human scum we are dealing with when we are discussing Britain's new social working class.
A race of cowardly, ignorant and, above all, stupid people that believe drinking ยฃ1 (or cheaper) cider in a bus stop or such venue is a night out "wiv da lads". When approached by one chav, he will often mumble and look down, but approach the very same chav later with his "crew", he will attempt to look "propa hard" by starting a fight (often failing miserably). When threatened, he will not hesitate to call his "crew" into action and they will (somehow) devise a plan to take you to the floor and just kick you til you pass out.
Chavs tend to mock those who are different to them, coming up with various witty names such as "gribly", "mosha" or "goff". Such simple vocabulary, often grunted in an exaggerated deep voice by chavs and in a shrill scream by the chavette, the female equivalent, other favourite words and phrases include "mint", "sound", "mush" (some sort of word they use for each other) and "safe". The fact that nearly all chav words are monosyllabic is no coincidence, as this language is linked not only to their intelligence (or rather lack of), but their feeble attempts to seem intimidating.

Many chavs will point out a person who dresses or appears different to them, much like a dog will bark at or curiously sniff someone or something that is different to them (coincidence, I think not!)
Chav 1: Ova ther mate, fuckin' goff
Chav 2: Smelly goff... needs a batt'rin'
Chav 3: OII!!!! GOFF!!
Such is the feeble existence of the chav, that they feel the need to taunt those who are either alone or different. Much like a pack of wolves will taunt and kill a lonely deer... as you may be able to tell, chavs are fairly primitive and unsophisticated creatures that follow simple animal instincts to something unusual or even frightening.

by Anonona July 10, 2005

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A chav is like used toilet paper, you wouldn't want to go near it again. Female Chavs (Chavettes) tend to wear masses of make-up that's thicker than custard. They also wear skirts which are infact belt and have this growth coming off the side of their head which is s'pose to be some form of hairstyle. They also have monroe piercing which look like huge moles.

Male chavs are loud and try to grab their penis to look 'ard even though we all know there not hard and there penis can not get hard in anyway because they all have vaginas. You can spot on of these chavs by identifying their tucked in tracksuits in their cheap knock-off trainers and their fake burbury because they can't afford the real shizz.

I could go on but there's too much to say

Ew ... quick there's a chav around the corner, let's poke it and see if it aquirms.

by Amy ... Epic Amy March 23, 2009

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twats who hang around outside McDonalds wearing burberry caps/gold chains/big puffy white jackets, smoking/swearing continuously. ALso listen to rap, hiphop etc.

argh, save me from the chavs!

by mwahahahaha August 4, 2005

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UK youth wearing a specific style, including cap (usually burberry) tracksuit bottoms (nike, adidas) tucked into football socks. Shoes (trainers) are always white (nike, adidas). Also Wears cheap 'jewellery' called 'bling'. 'Bling' includes big, cheap, fuck-off rings and multiple cheap, golden chains. Female version called chavette. Wears a ton of makeup and dresses similar to male chavs apart from no cap
Chav Habits
Chavs can usually be found in gangs of more than 20, with chavettes in tow(who will be shagged later that night). They're main habits include terrorising pedestrians, vandalism, smoking, using words such as 'init' and 'minger', picking fights with other none-chav youths, unprotected sex, hanging around council estates and chip shops (the chav's temple), riding aroung town on ยฃ10 BMX's on saturdays and asking total random strangers on the street if they can borrow 50p.
How to confront a chav
1. Do not confront a chav gang (unless you are hard or armed). Chav gangs give the chav more confidence in 'safety in numbers' and a desire for them to show off in front of they're 'friends'.
2. Use your brain, chavs have no IQ over 0.01.
3. Be confident, chavs can smell fear.
4. Give them a fucking good hiding!
HINT: Don't confront a chav gang unless necessary.
Chavs can also be called
Neds (Scotland)

Vickey Pollard
Wayne Rooney

by ska8er June 24, 2005

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proof that evolution has a reverse gear

what day does a chav get confused on? fathers day

by jizznipple April 28, 2008

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Council house and violence, usually associated with white folk. hang about and cause mischief. usually wears sporty clothing like tracksuits or Burberry

look at that bre, just come out his council house and he up to no good alread, f**kin chav

by OBEAMAN February 16, 2008

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chav is a fashion statement. it is another word for a thug or a gang member. chavs are fond of hoodies and caps nd they like sitting on walls smoking. lots of people want to kill chavs. lots of chavs want to kill people.

" omg my sister is a mega chav coz she wears a hoodie!"

by Amy Lucas- Knight December 17, 2007

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