An overexcited, overcaffienated, hyperactive child
Greg Gutfeld: Emily Compagno you must have been a chipmunk on redbull as a child right? 🐿
Emily Compagno: haha
A rap record spinning at 45 instead of 33 1/3 rpm.
This chipmunk gangsta rap sounds goofier than these dudes want it to, perhaps I should slow the turntable down so they sound more like the devil, that would sound really scary the way the rappers wanted it to, wouldn't it?
The 'gamma' of the group. The 3rd in a trio and has grand delusions of being the top dog such as in the Chipmunks.
Brett: 'Samo is the green chipmunk in our group.'
Anthony: 'I agree.'
When someone fits both of your balls in their mouth
“Do the human chipmunk on me to make me cum faster”
During a blowjob, she puts both of your nuts in her mouth and looks up at you with the base of your dick at her nose
Every time she blows me she'll tell me my dick is small and when I look down all I see is Chipmunk Pinocchio
When they suck your balls into their mouth and munch on them like a chipmunk
Dude she gave me a fucking chipmunk blowjob last night!
When someone fits both of your balls in your mouth
“Use the human chipmunk on me so I cum faster”