Source Code

adam chu

cool ball pokemon man, love the trump candy

adam chu is your local herbal candy man

by shutmouth November 4, 2020

Ill smack five out chu

Popularized by RinnoDaGoat on Youtube, Ill smack five outta you means I will take all 5 of my fingers and smack you into next week.

"Aye I bet I could beat cho ass." " Say some shit like that again and ill smack five out chu."

by UndercoverHoodlum August 18, 2022


Also pronounced, Jew-Crazy.
Having the meaning of either 'You're crazy!' 'That's Wiggity Wack!' or just having a strange obsession with Jews.

My friend said 'chu-crazy' when I wanted to skydive. But she also said 'chu-crazy' when I obsessed over my Jewish boyfriends.

by Nikkiiii Dee November 19, 2010

Guksung Chu

It refers to a man who Nodaga

You look like a Guksung Chu

by Cyber master of Seoul November 22, 2021

Guksung Chu

The master of Nodaga

I am Guksung Chu

by Cyber master of Seoul November 22, 2021

Chu ain't the mo real

Exactly what it says - you re not the more real...

You may think your cool and all that but Chu ain't the mo real

by Hutch Teck, 1965 August 14, 2021

Bro Man chu

The Bro version of Fu man chu. Or handle bar mustache

Nice Bro man chu dude

by Wingxaero1 June 30, 2018