Source Code

cocaine wednesday

Getting fucked up on coke because it's Wednesday.

'Hey guys lets get some bags?'
'Because it's cocaine wednesday'

by Caesar C XV April 19, 2015

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Kurt cocaine

when you over dose on cocaine

shit I heard lucy done a kurt cocaine

by JoShKinKytOn March 18, 2017

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Cocaine Eric

A man willing to trade oral sex on a man for cocaine

Cocaine Eric is in stall 3 if you have some cocaine

by Cmurder1 September 13, 2016

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Cum Cocaine

While having sex, pull your cock out of your partner and proceed to ejaculate on a flat surface. Your partner snorts the cum like a sweet line of cocaine.

That bitch took a line of my cum cocaine after I fucked her ass.

by Bert M November 14, 2007

25๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cocaine Fairy

The Cocaine Fairy is a fairy that visits children at night and sprinkles Cocaine on their heads or bed. The next morning, they become teenagers. She has an ragged appearance with a dark cape and STD's, but she can mostly be recognized by her slit open mouth that stretches across her face. The mouth will usually be filled with cocaine or pills. If she visits you and you see her, do not be alarmed, your death will be instant.

Child: Mom, I was visited by the Cocaine Fairy last night.

Mom: WHAT!? Timmy have you been hitting up drugs?!
Child: MOM, SHUT UP! I can do what I want. :P
Child: GO TO HELL!!!!!

by Harjukleflop August 13, 2010

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Cocaine Sexin

A term originated in Toronto, Canada that is used to describe sex that is highly addictive.

Engaging in sex that is not acceptable by others.

Engaging in intercourse falling victim to uncontrollable urges

First went public on the release of Xpense's "Cocaine Sexin" video.

"I missed work because of that Cocaine Sexin last night"

"Cocaine Sexin will make em fall in love"

by Sperminatoration October 8, 2011

32๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Kurt Cocaine

When you empty a shotgun shell of all pellets and fill it with cocaine and close it back up, you then load this shell into a shotgun and blast yourself in the face with a mist of cocaine.

Tommy really turned the party out when he pulled out his shotgun and Kurt Cocaine'd himself.

by gopherguy September 18, 2018

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