When 2 people argue about something stupid and one person is always right, Conny says but, and she finds something else to bring up so the argument doesn't stop.
Conny Drama means
You are right .....BUT, .....
The only vibe when someone or something is all in the right place and right time just so that good happens.
That was "Gucci Conni"
Your "Gucci Conni"
On October 5th everyone around the world has permission to hit anyone called connie in the chin
Yo did you not know it was chin connie day, i just hit some bitch!
Connys Left Leg🥩🧍 is MY bbq she is pretty and swaggy 😜🤟 Connys Left Leg🥩🧍is very kind <3 i enjoy always talking with her.
i am your friend Connys Left Leg🥩🧍 but maybe we can be more 😳- nah i'mjust kidding ....
unless 👀
A slang word used for the plural of Condoms.
Friend: You got everything for tonight?
Friend 2: Just need to pick up some conny D’s from the servo.
Failure in Life , One that has no job Or one that lives with his/her mother ,One without money or significant other
Make something of yourself don’t become