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Dino Nuggets

meaty good treats (white meat preferred), which comes in fun sizes and shapes, that you can play with before putting in your mouth

grace has some banging dino nuggets! om nom nom....

by T-rexpin August 31, 2010

17πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Dino nuggets

A chicken nugget that’s magical and if you haven’t ate Dino nuggets then you didn’t have a childhood and there bomb so you should bye them:))

The Dino nuggets girl screamed cause someone took one.

by Dino nugget girl October 18, 2019

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

dino face

someone who looks like a dinosaur. Or has dinosaur features.

kirsty: yo alex you have an dino face

Alex: owww no!!

by KirstyL December 7, 2008

8πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Dino boy is literally a human/dino being with the head of a boy and the body of a dinosaur. His hair style is particularly bowl-like and his diet consists mainly of spanish professors of the plump zany female variety. He can only be found in the deepest forests of South America and occasionally at crappy middle schools in the state of Pennsylvania located in the United States. His bloodlines trace him back to his great great great great grandfather,Hao, also known world-wide for his famous war-cry of "HYÀÃÄÂÁÅĄ!!!!"

SWEET!!! that dino-boy just devoured profe!!!

by carolyn?? July 27, 2009

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dino piss

a dino piss is where u piss for over a minute,
u normally have a dino piss when u spend all night in a bar.

josh : i have to go dino piss

troy : fuck i have to aswell

by kickbuttsurrey October 25, 2010

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Dino Dunn

A large round spectacle-wearing dinosaur from Mansfield. Typically seen with excessive flab on display. It's shriek can be heard for miles and when it dances, Tsunamis are created. Sorry Thailand.

65 million years ago, on Planet Earth (in Mansfield), a meteor struck and wiped out all species of dinosaur.

From the ashes, Dino Dunn emerged.


And from it's lips, came the words:


by NelGill November 29, 2011

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dino dong

slang for hugh fat penis

man.... you gotta dino dong!!!

god damnnn.... that looks like a dino dong

by manster1 July 14, 2009

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