Undertaking a trip with sole purpose of learning during the travel. The travel programme is pre-defined to visit the place or places to learn from. It is a full version of edutravel.
In an educational travel, a school may undertake a trip for science student to visit a laboratory in a perfume factory to learn about the application of chemistry to produce products they use on daily basis. edutravel.
thinking one is going to get sex, only to find out they are DEAD WRONG!
i THOUGHT i was going to "crack that crotch" , but i was re-educated !
A educated nap is when you come from school and you are feeling a little tired. And u decided to take a nap. You are not supposed to learn anything from that nap. You are just supposed to just a nap and think about all the work you have to do.
Im going home to take an educated nap.
An acquired world view based solely on the documentaries featured on Netflix. Individuals tend to have little or sub-par post-high school education. Individuals tend to surround themselves with like minded individuals (see "Circle Jerk") and very rarely read. They also tend to ride fixed-gear bicycles and hang in urban coffee shops and almost always vote as liberally as possible.
Person A: "And then he said we would be much better off if we would stop ignoring the greatest minds of our time, like Neil degrasse Tyson and Bill Nye".
Person B: "Was he joking?"
Person A: " No, he was really serious. He must have a Netflix Education."
A hoe that is smart about his/her hoeness. Hard to categorize the person as a full blown hoe.
Syd is such an educated hoe
Yes I know right, I don’t know if he’s really a hoe or not.
to educate in different subjects.
We are cross-educated in a sense.
There are no education requirements to become an emojiologist but You do have to post a certain amount of emojis on the platform instagram to get into the emojiology Industry. You don’t have to sign a contract or Anything to become an emojiologist but for emojiology you do need an instagram, post 500 Emoji Pictures after if you don’t want to delete the emojis just keep them on there after 500 emojis. After you post the emojis your emojiology career starts! And you start getting paid.
Education For Emojiology