Source Code

Final Warning

The last fart (usually the stinkiest) before the turd is ready to exit the body.

Oh man, that was final warning. I gotta get to a toilet NOW!

by DBrizzle808 July 21, 2012

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Final Blade

May be used as a common noun or verb. Usually used when a person takes a humorous statement a little too seriously and spends 15 minutes writing an essay on how wrong the statement was and treat it as if it's the most serious thing ever.

She preferred to ignore me rather than pull a Final Blade.

You just committed a Final Blade, I was 100% kidding with you.

After reading the joke, he misunderstood it and Final Bladed.

by bscutajar September 20, 2009

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quimbledon final

A competition between two men over one woman. Sometimes involves a dance/rap/badinage off.

Out in your local nightclub Guy A (Roddick) vs. Guy B (Tiger Tim)

A service constitutes initial approach to said clunge.

Return shows recognition of competition.

Badinage ensues and competitors rack up points employing such phrases as 'am goinna ride her ass like Zorro.'

15 is rewarded by a minge rub.
30 " " titty flash.
40 " " kiss.
Deuce " " 3 way kiss.
Advantage " " nipple lick.
Game " " oral.
Set " " penitration.
Match " " anal invasion.

Ejaculation with exclamation ' I am the quimbledon final champion'

by jojolechic June 9, 2009

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NBA Finals

The championship series between the NBA's Eastern Conference Champion and Western Conference Champion.

The Mavericks won the NBA Finals last year.

by Yohugh Jass March 1, 2012

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Final Fantasy

A game where you can waste countless hours playing, but yet the story and gameplay keep you hooked. People love to make fun of people who play these games, for no other reason than they think having emotions is wierd.

1, Yes, the stories have emotion and make the hardiest of us all cry at times.
2, Yes, there are those out there who take it more seriously than Christians took the Crusades, and happen to give the rest of us a bad name. (Just search "Tifa" without the google image safe search on, seriously.)
3, The Urban dictionary things acting like it's a disease, yes, you will be smelly and probably play 40 hours straight. Welcome to a game that takes more thought process than Halo.

Also, a game that your friend who acts like a macho man all the time will come over at the end and ruin it all for you.

Friend: What is this..?

Me: Final Fantasy.

Friend: Haha! That chick is totally almost nude!

Me: That's Rikku, now shut up, I'm trying to save the world.

Friend: Hahahah! She's still nude!

Me: -smack- Quiet, Yuna is finally seeing him again.

Friend: Oh come on, she's totally moaning in delight!

Me: ...Get out, you've ruined the moment I've played 30 hours to get to. Now, get out.

by Fan-notfanboy March 9, 2010

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Final Fantasy

A never ending euphoria, with many sequels that induce multiple orgasms.

Dood, when Final Fantasy 13 comes out I might as well come...

by elloguvnah October 12, 2008

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Finals Face

it happens around the end of every semester when you, or some other unlucky chump, sits in the campus library on a couch that is way more comfortable than study-focus-appropriate and just stare because even with a laptop and papers scattered before you, there's nothing you can do because of mind-crunch-overload...

guy 1: see that dude over there with that crazy finals face?

guy 2: i think he's drooling....

by Hitch The Eternal Song December 14, 2009

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