The last littlest finger at the outside of the hand. Some people lift it as they drink tea. It's also used to "Pinky Swear", interlocking with a promise of something 2 people agree upon.
I always raise my pinky finger no matter what I'm drinking~tea, like Royalty, or any other beverage.
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An item that is normally worn at sporting events to show support for a team; but as Miley Cyrus has demonstrated, it can also be used to touch yourself or someone else sexually.
Miley Cyrus showed the world a whole new use for a foam finger at the 2013 MTV Music Video Awards by touching Robin Thicke's crotch and then her own with it. Now people are never going to look at foam fingers the same way again.
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When a guy has jalapeño juice on his fingers and then he fingers a girl and her pussy burns. awwww yeaaaah
Bro 1: "Bro I gave my girl friend the ole jalapeño fingers last night after we went to taco bell"
Bro 2: "I bet it was a fiesta"
Bro 1 " Fer sherrrr"
Once a popular vibrating bed system often found in motel rooms during the fifties and sixties, running on quarters which you fed into the metal box near the head of the bed, ostensibly for relaxation but more commonly understood by adults to be for enhancement of a woman’s sexual experience.
As a kid traveling from the mid west to California with my parents, I would always need at least ten quarters worth of Magic Fingers to settle myself down after the long and boring couple of hundred miles on the interstate each day.
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The act of someone ramming their ring and middle fingers into a squirt prone cunt, and proceeding to type away on the g spot until the pussy explodes with squirt all over the arm, thus flushing the bitch out.
Lucy finger flushed Pam so long and hard that she had to wear a poncho. Good thing we've got a hydro shop-vac for the mess.
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The ripe fishy smell of stank puss on your fingers after finger banging a girl with a yeast infection, her period or suffering from just general uncleanliness.
I finger fucked Carla last night and she left me with Seaman's Fingers.
Fingers with almost no damn finger nails.
Booty Fingers
Biting Ur nails down to the fucking knuckles causes BOOTY FINGERS.....
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