syn. big in Japan. see; DJ Willow from Paris.
I know the world famous DJ Willow she's big in France! and also big in Japan...I wish I were big in France. *SIGH*
43ð 12ð
"France is a country you have to drive through to get to Italy. That's all its for."
-James May
James: the country France is there so you can drive to Italy
Everyone who is sane: Yes
10ð 1ð
Ushaan decided to end humanity after somebody started Kam, he thought nuking France would be cool because who cares about France and France is cool. Next he'll just nuke some nukes to self explode countries because chain reactions are cool. This happened on 2021 April 8th 6:30pm.
Remember when they were nuking France and trying to end humanity? I'm so glad we're astronauts.
9ð 1ð
The act of spreading ones butt cheeks and blowing air into the anus.
My husband Marty was sound asleep so I crawled into bed and gave him a Swiss franc.
The Name of a Strong Woman. A strong woman who is not afraid to share her ideas and thoughts, regardless of what others think, speaks her heart and her mind, She respects herself enough to stand up for herself, the causes she believes in, and the welfare of others. She brings fun into her life and whatever she does, She counts her blessings, She strives to create a positive environment for herself and her family, She lives fully, loves hard, has fun, and has a sense of humor although she admits she doesnât have all the answers. She is willing to be flexible and seek more information in order to better her life and sharpen her mind.
Who's Joni France?
Oh Joni France? Don't mess with her! She can be civil but she wins every battle with her beauty and brains
A france idiot, apart from the name, doesn't have to be someone of the descent. It simply means an idiot, nincompoop, or someone of low IQ or brain capacity. This phrase must be stated with the stereotypical french accent on the france part of the phrase.
"my friend is such a FRANCE IDIOT"
Slovenian musician. He wrote a Slovenian anthem. France PreÅ¡eren was tha biggest pijanec in the country of Slovenia. He liked a Julija but she didnât like him. This motherfucker is a big celebrity in Slovenia just because he wrote a few songs. We hate him.
girl:a si se nauÄu zdravljico?
guy: pizda ta France Prešeren ej zkva jo je napisu!