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He's sweet at first, a really nice guy; a charmer. He'll sweet talk you and tell you you're cute. But really he's pretending because he's actually a big pothead and a jerk. After he gets what he wants, whether that be a quick fuck, weed, money, bitches, or anything else really (sometimes even the feeling of a relationship) he WILL cheat on you. He always does.

Why are you staring at me, Gavin?" "You're so cute, I keep getting lost in your eyes." -two weeks later- "What's wrong, Gavin?" "I don't know, I just don't like you anymore... you're a gross hoe I never liked you.

by A gross hoe July 24, 2011

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A person who believes he knows all and is the fantasy football master. Collects grains of sand and hoards them hoping they will in turn become pearls. Aite Den is a phrase that he spouts at least a 100 times per day.

Don't be such a Gavin, Aite Den

by bChewy November 5, 2018

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The nicest person you will ever meet. Super cute and hot. He would probably be the most popular guy in school. He usually would play basketball , kickball, or football. If you ever go on a date with a Gavin keep him because you will never find another one like him. He also ends up dating girls with the names that start with J, K, B and W. His nickname is also a Battle Hawk

Wide Receiver: Have you seen the new Quarter Back?
Other Wide Receiver: Yeah he is a real Gavin

by Flanaryisawsome!! March 9, 2017

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Gavin's get mad at me and allays get mad when interrupted. Gavin's get mad easily.

by SillyManHead April 3, 2019

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The nicest, kindest, british friend, people will make fun of him, and tease him, but its all in good fun. Gavin is the silly goofball that everybody loves! Gavin is rather wealthy, but doesnt think himself better than others because of it. He has plenty of friends, and is technicly a sciantest. Technicly.

Michael: "Where's Gavin?"

Jeremy: "He's on the podcast with Burnie and Barbra."

by WaffleBlade July 9, 2018

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Smells like shit after a fuck

Fuck I smell like gavin

by Duck tape was not good enough April 19, 2018

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A bitch.

Whoa, Gavin is a bitch.

by Oopppsksksks November 5, 2019

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