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Hank Hill

A popular cartoon T.V. dad on the FX show King of the Hill. He lives with his family Peggy (wife), Bobby (son), Ladybird (dog), and Luanne (niece) in the fictional Texas city of Arlen. He is a true, hard-working, tell-it-like-it-is American dad. His best friends are Dale Gribble, Bill, and Boomhower. Hank is more conservative and right-leaning, and, as a result, has greater family values and stronger morals.
His friends tend to do stupid or mean things that often piss him off.

Hank: Dammit Dale! I'm gonna kick yer ass!
Me: Hank Hill is awesome!

by Journey Fan May 12, 2005

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hank tanked

A state of rowdy drunkedness in which an individual is unaffected by the repercussions of their behavior; generally accompanied by cheap beer, rot gut whiskey, and sing-along outlaw country tunes.

Man, I was totally hank tanked when I puked in that beer can!

That drummer was so hank tanked that he was passing out at his drumset on the third song of the first set!

He only drank four beers and he was ALREADY hank tanked!!

by southbound1 December 21, 2010

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Hank Hayes

A retarded fat guy who does a "radio show" for 10 listeners.

Hank Hayes is going wild!

by ChrisN16 November 27, 2013

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Cold Hank

A sexual move

Verb or Noun

Step 1: poop one large solid turd on a plate or baking sheet
Step 2: pour some water over it

Step 3: quickly put in the freezer till frozen

Step 4: use as dildo until melted

Mark really tore Ally up with that cold hank last night I heard!

by Balderdash1607 July 21, 2012

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Stinky Hank

n. an act similar to the "Wet Willy" involving the insertion of one's finger in one's own rectum, and then placing it into the ear of another. Other variations of this are the "Stinky Wet Hank", used with diarrhea; and, the other, with the substitution of one's finger with one's own penis.

Emo Pat (coming in crying tears of joy): Oh, fellow confidants, my dear yonder Rachel hath given me ye olde stinky hank last night in mine horseless-carriage upon the misty mountain hop!

Confidants: FAR OUT!

Rachel (smashing through the wall): And, he returned the favour...BOO YAH, GRANDMA!

by Danny Tetlock March 14, 2005

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Hank Hill

A married, middle-aged man with a propane fetish.
Star in the Cartoon King of the Hill

Hank hill occasionally has dreams about propane.
Hank: "Propane and Propane Accessories."
Hank: "Damnit bobby..."

by Gam0r January 9, 2012

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Harte Hanks

Another word used when "ghetto" just isn't enough / Do-Rag, gang banger, hell...


Awwwwwww nawwww foo! My familiy was so Harte Hanks, that we had to beat the shit out of ourselves once our popz was too tired to do it.

by c0balt January 27, 2003

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