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Stairway To Heaven

A song made by Led Zeppelin that is and always will be the greatest song.

I can't stop listening to Stairway To Heaven because it is so good!

by Fetus Bomber November 4, 2004

204๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž

gangster heaven

A place where gangsters think they will go when they die. Only true gangsters make it here. A gangter's paradise.

Folk 1: Damn bruh i dont know bout doing this, i might get killed
Folk 2: Chill out bruh, if anything bruh you'll be in gangster heaven

by hittaJ March 15, 2017

Heaven's zero

When you ball out of your mind and go crazy because of doing nothing

-Kimerax Gaming

I feel like I'm having a Heaven's zero help me

by Yuuwumi December 29, 2020

Helyn Heaven

Sounds like HELEN. Nevaeh is HEAVEN spelled backwards. When said together you get HELL N HEAVEN. Meaning little bit of both. Piss her off you will get hell from heaven . To be around her is like residing with an angel who can sing so beautifully and she can play a guitar lick that puts all others to shame. An awesome person, no doubt. One who inspires the world and new world's to come. Within her, peace will be created for all beings to share. Hell-n-heaven. The best of both. On Earth.

My daughter is a little piece of Helyn Heaven and I couldn't ask for anyone better, because there isn't.

by Nikinikiniki-ta March 10, 2016

nigger heaven

a euphemism for the restaurant Kentucky Fried Chicken, or "KFC" for those in the know. See also: nigger kfc fat

"Hey lets go get a combo bucket at nigger heaven"

by nigger mcpenis May 20, 2008

361๐Ÿ‘ 108๐Ÿ‘Ž

stairway to heaven

The song by Led Zeppelin that has the impossible quality of being the greatest rock-and-roll song of all time but somehow not Led Zeppelin's best song, which instead is Kashmir.

Classic Rock radio station: Once again, Stairway to Heaven has been voted the best song of all time.

Led Zeppelin fan: All of Zep's songs are great, but if I had to choose just one as my favorite, I'd say Kashmir.

by vhdvhd November 21, 2012

17๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hipster Heaven

Pabst Blue Ribbon...The beer of choice for any hipster. One would think its popular because its cheap, but really because in a hipster's mind its considered obscure. Hipster's typically will dislike anything mainstream so Bud Light, Miller, or Coors dont have a chance if PBR is available.

Guy: Hey I'm going to get a Bud Light. You want one?

Hipster: (looks at Beer Taps) Oh man they got PBR! Sweet. Most bars don't have Hipster Heaven. That's rad dude! I'll totally take that on draft Bro.

by SparkleK1d July 28, 2010

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