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I have a dream to fuck

Secret except from MLK when he got horny in jail after writing his I have a dream speech and wrote the xxx version of it.

I have a dream.

I have a dream to fuck all the hot sexy women in all the world.

My dream assumes that 1 in 40 people are not too ugly to fuckable.

And I am bisexual so this dream includes men too.

I will pause time and fulfill this dream in 27 years time, working 12 hour shifts every day and fucking 1 woman or man every hour.

Yes sir, I do have a dream, and I will accomplish my dream and make it known to all the world my dream.

by Bad C dev December 4, 2022

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

do I have a big pp

yes you do your pp big very big

jared: do I have a big pp

jane: yes your pp very big

by hgarciarox January 27, 2021

I Have Children In My Basement

Instead of saying you have something you can say the much better phrase I Have Children In My Basement

hello did you know I Have Children In My Basement

by TotallyNormalPerson March 22, 2023

I have to tell u something

1.When ur crush texts you and then u get that felling in your stomach

2.when ur boyfriend texts u and says that u just shit your self since ur so scared he will break up with u

Crush:Hey I have to tell u something .
Me:ok what’s up .
Me inside:holy shit is this really happening .
Boyfriend:hey I have to tell you something

Me:oh ok what’s up

Me inside :shit is this really fucking happening

by Mainbitch2.0 March 1, 2019

i have no words to use so...

<marquee>I AM OUT OF WORDS</marquee>

by bored August 14, 2002

101πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

I have all the grapes

If someone is said to have all the grapes, everything is going well for them and their life is a breeze, or something extraordinary or overly profound has happened to them.

I have an awesome girlfirend!
My job is going great, I just got a pay rise!
My grades have never looked better!
Our sports team is on a winning streak!
I have all the grapes!

by dahneeoh September 12, 2011

3πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

I have to text my pig

A modern version of "I have to wash my hair" or "I have to sort my sock drawer"; an obvious excuse and serious blow off that can be employed when standing in front of the person asking you to do something you don't want to do.

Girl: So we're going to Bar 123 after this; do you want to come with us?
Guy: Aw, I would but I have to text my pig.

by KK70 July 17, 2011

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