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iPhone Takeover

An iPhone Takeover occurs when the random spell-check completely screws up the message you were texting/e-mailing and ends up making your entire message mean something differenttake on a new meeting...

I sent a text to my boss that was a total iPhone Takeover. Instead of him thinking I was on my way back from picking up my daughter Syd, I told him I was on my way back from picking up an STD...

by Coribea July 31, 2010

iPhone O.G.

The original version of the iPhone.

I stood in line for hours to get the iPhone 4, but my iPhone O.G. still has a special place in my heart.

by msk2718 June 29, 2010

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iphone 12

a phone

the new iphone 12 came out

by onetruelegendyt October 14, 2020

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iphone bitch

the only member of a group who has an iphone and thus everyone asked this person to look up movie times or scores of games etc.

Hey iphone bitch what time does that movie start

by Mr.Ham September 25, 2009

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iPhone Flaw

A piece of badly designed hardware.

Bob : I tried to ring you, but had no signal

Steve: Did you have the iPhone Flaw in your left hand ?

by h6exx July 20, 2010

iPhone GP

GP stands for Gray Powell the guy who got drunk and lost the latest (2010) iPhone prototype. Major tech sites got hold of the piece somehow, ripped it apart and splashed its pictures all over the internet

Did you check out the video of iPhone GP ? its cool, I'll buy one this June.

by SysErr May 13, 2010

iPhone 18

The iPhone of the future.

Features: Built in bomb.

I might bomb a school with my iPhone 18!

by ajcanadian November 21, 2019