Something that's very common on this site.
Urban dictionary user: Wallace drein is a piece of shit who needs to die and has a pee desperation fetish
(That's hate speech and people's personal information, if you didn't know. Also Wallace drein is not a real person.)
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The name says it. You cant say no. You need to give it to them sadly. Im sorry...
It happens on 10/25 each year.
Friend: What day is it?
Uriel: GIVE IT NOW!!!
meaningful and never post hate speech or people’s personal information meaningful and never post hate speech or people’s personal information meaningful and never post hate speech or people’s personal information meaningful and never post hate speech or people’s personal information meaningful and never post hate speech or people’s personal information meaningful and never post hate speech or people’s personal information meaningful and never post hate speech or people’s personal post hate speech or people’s personal information meaningful and never post hate speech or people’s personal information meaningful and never post hate speech or people’s personal information meaningful and never post hate speech or people’s personal information AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Please review Urban Dictionary's content guidelines before writing your definition. Here's the short version: Share definitions that other people will find meaningful and never post hate speech or people’s personal information.
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Don't name your friends. We'll reject inside jokes and definitions naming non-celebrities.
Write for a large audience. Lots of people will read this, so give some background information.
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It’s to inform you that there are so many cats in the kitchen surrounding, please ask your pest control team for adoption
It’s to inform you that there are so many cats in the kitchen surrounding, please ask your pest control team for adoption
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This needs a fixing. Here's a proper version: Share definitions that other people will find meaningful and never define someone's name or post people’s personal information.
Share definitions that other people will find meaningful and never post hate speech or people’s personal information.
You can't hate names, but you can define them in a good way, like 'Paul is a sex god and will beat up any bullies'. Like if moderators don't already have a lot of work
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Why the fuck did you type this
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