When an insult brings in too many hypothetical offenses that it's often sounded ridiculous or weird, this type of harassment was invented by StarVoid
I am gonna shove a ukulele down your urethra so every time you pee your dick sings Mary had a little lamb
I will put glass in your ice cream
I hope your baby drowns in salad
damn those are such star insults
Making a pornographic movie with another person to make someone jealous or insult them. Women usually request the man to make the film, but if you are a man the sluttier the women the more likely she will be willing to make an insult porn. In order to protect your identities while making the insult porn position the camera at an angle where your heads aren't view able, but you will still be recognizable to the person you intend to insult.
This man I didn't like wouldn't leave me alone, so I decided to make an insult porn with a man I preferred in order to get the point across.
An insult that includes a compliment inside of it, the opposite of a backhanded compliment.
"You better shut up and get you ... Beautiful face out of my sight!", was his unexpected caressing insult towards her.
An insult with a compliment snuck in!
"You shut your . . . photogenic face!" is a caressing Insult.
I wasn't angry about being insulted until you were 'right.'
Hym "I'm a little insulted if I'm going to perfectly honest."
A real word meaning full of insult.
“Even though my crown has been snatched in front of everyone insultfully, I will keep my head straight,” Ms. de Silva wrote. - New York Times, April 10th 2021
A person posting impossibly stupid inflammatory comments with the goal of many innocent people being forced to degrade this person publicly in their replies. This is a higher degree than a basic troll.
Did you see Tanya posting this comment? "Really, how did slaves build the United States of America? Do tell. The north didn't have slaves and their economy was industrial. No slaves." Yeah bro, Tanya is a total Insult Slut! She gets off on innocent strangers telling her how stupid she is.