What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted to abscesses.
Person 1: Are you addicted to abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Snap Backing The (ThE) (tHe) (a) (An) (A) (an( Comma (comma) (&) (,) The Ol(L)d D(d)usty Ass-w(W)iped Trail (A (The-An) Postal Code 10457-2219 On The Topic Of Zipper's Code)...
I can't survive without this song for 30 minutes.
turi ip ip ip
This fantastic choice of words are the blessing from the lord or a curse from the devil.
"Hey bro my dad just passed away."
"Turi ip ip ip"
Reguarly used song in 9 year olds' minecraft funny moments compilations, we still do not know the name of the actual song. in 2022 it has become a meme next to "wenomechainsama."
person 1: turi ip ip ip
person 2: ip ip ip tsha ik
A YouTube meme originated by the 2014 song Electro-Light - Symbolism which starts off with random high pitched sound effects. TikToker @cappeman1 decided to create lyrics based off those sounds, first 4 words being the name of the meme.
People in 2014: daaayum this song‘s lit man
People in 2022: TURI IP IP IP IP IP IP TURI IK
basically over-heard lyrics from this song Electro- Light - SymbolismNSC Release
aka known as a meme song
turi ip ip ip
ip ip ip ip tsha ik
ip tsha ip ik
turi turi isha ip turisha