Source Code

Snap Backing The (ThE) (tHe) (a) (An) (A) (an( Comma (comma) (&) (,) The Ol(L)d D(d)usty Ass-w(W)iped Trail (A (The-An) Postal Code 10457-2219 On The Topic Of Zipper's Code)...

What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted to abscesses.

Person 1: Are you addicted to abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Snap Backing The (ThE) (tHe) (a) (An) (A) (an( Comma (comma) (&) (,) The Ol(L)d D(d)usty Ass-w(W)iped Trail (A (The-An) Postal Code 10457-2219 On The Topic Of Zipper's Code)...

by LeSouffleDeVersailles January 25, 2025

turi ip ip ip

I can't survive without this song for 30 minutes.

turi ip ip ip

by Deadboydoor517 May 30, 2022

Turi ip ip ip

This fantastic choice of words are the blessing from the lord or a curse from the devil.

"Hey bro my dad just passed away."
"Turi ip ip ip"

by Lord Banan I July 20, 2022


a funni somg lyric

lalalalaaa turi ip ip ip

by fUNNiRose June 9, 2022

turi ip ip ip

Reguarly used song in 9 year olds' minecraft funny moments compilations, we still do not know the name of the actual song. in 2022 it has become a meme next to "wenomechainsama."

person 1: turi ip ip ip

person 2: ip ip ip tsha ik

by MY C0X N07 L0N6 July 30, 2022

turi ip ip ip

A YouTube meme originated by the 2014 song Electro-Light - Symbolism which starts off with random high pitched sound effects. TikToker @cappeman1 decided to create lyrics based off those sounds, first 4 words being the name of the meme.

People in 2014: daaayum this song‘s lit man
People in 2022: TURI IP IP IP IP IP IP TURI IK

by SMatttttttttt June 7, 2022

turi ip ip ip

basically over-heard lyrics from this song Electro- Light - SymbolismNSC Release

aka known as a meme song

turi ip ip ip

ip ip ip ip tsha ik

ip tsha ip ik

turi turi isha ip turisha

by limepact June 9, 2022