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Short ass Napoleon looking mf who cant make a hoop even if his life depending on that shit

Foundation ass jorge

by Alex_054 January 30, 2020


He is a big Mexican with a big heart (if you know what I mean) he's so loveable you can hear his steps from a mile away. The only person to ever see A Jorge said he looked like the stay puffed marshmallow man. Jorges also tend to get angry when you say "Oh, did you hear that it must be a big baby." (While referring to Jorge)

"Jorge is big dumb"
"Jorge more like poorge"
"Oh did you hear that it must be a big baby Oh its just Jorge"

by AySea December 5, 2019


the most beautiful handsome person in the world. beautiful inside and out, very good in bed, love your mom more than you

Jorge is so hotttt
He is obviosly

by black baloney africa 360 December 2, 2019


fucks oscar

Jorge fucks Oscar.

by armaan big booty November 15, 2020


An Extremely handsome and attractive individual (usually male) with a positive attitude and lively spirit.

Wow Jorge is super friendly !

by Slangactivist October 7, 2019


Is a friend that you will have til the end. He is really sweet, and kind, very generous. Jorge's are smart, but shy. He can come off as very boring. But in bed he is quite the opposite. You never know what you'll get the fun and or not. He is a person who doesn't laugh often, but when he does it lights up the whole room. Always has amazing outfit.

Girl: Jorge!!!
Jorge: Yo whats up

by Unknown to most November 17, 2021


If you know a Jorge strap in because your in for a ride!
Jorge is walking sex, his smell will drive you wild and make you weak.
If you kiss a Jorge, it will be a kiss you will never forget, and one you'll be begging for more.

Jorge is sexy, delicious and aesthetically pleasing.

"Did you see that delicious man?" "His name is Jorge"

by NaughtyGirlPlaysNice May 21, 2021