When a girl wipes back to front causing her vagina to smell like poop.
There's a chic in my sisters class that has a poopy kitty and any time a guy gets near it he finds an excuse to run away.
When cats randomly go back to their kitty instincts. Often when you pet them and they are being adorable, then BAM! it grabs, kicks with their back feet and bites your hand! All when you thought kitty was being nice to you!
It may also happen randomly during the day or at night when they take off running for no reason or attack your shoelaces or (insert random object here) so fiercely you dare not move or you will be ripped to shreds.
Person A: "Wow! I thought I was finally warming up to your cat Angel, rubbing her tummy when she just randomly bit me!"
Person B: "Yeah, you gotta watch out for her. She can get into kitty mode pretty quick."
The mother of your cat.
"My kitty's momma just had two more kittens."
"Omg, siblings!"
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images and videos depicting cats that most humans find irresistibly addictive and feel compelled to share.
not to be confused with kiddie porn, and certainly nothing as literally pornographic as the other urban dictionary entries suggest.
the internet has been overrun by kitty porn! i opened my news feed today and all i could see were cats, cats, cats.
and that's why i'm late for work...
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hello kitty's pet persian cat. her birthday is october 31st. she has a little sister named Honeycute and a hamster friend sugar. i think she is the cutest thing that sanrio company has ever created!
charmmy kitty is so cute!
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A HUGE internet prank. some people stated it by posting fake petitions on websites talking about an invention called "bonsai cats" where supposadly young kittens are put in too-small glass jars so they would grow into the shape of the jar. the petitions include a link to a very elaborate fake website, which includes a place to order bonsai cat supplys (FAKE), a disscusion board (the people are FAKE), and pictures (the pics are fake, they never show a completed bonsai cat)
bonsai cats have fooled tons of people, don't be ashamed if you are a victim.
what do do if you were fooled by Bonsai Cats (and you're embarassed):
1)look it up on google
2)check out the website, the clues are all over the place
3)think of the people who crated it (you'll feel less pathetic)
4)it doesn't make you an idiot, the FBI (or something really big) had to investigate it just to prove it was wrong
5)think about who you heard it from: they were fooled too!
but the website DOES have this hella funny link to it that says "I CUBED MY CAT!"
...but thats fake too...
prankee #1:OMG come check this out! this Bonsai Kitty thing! its so cruel!
prankee #2: WTF???!@!!! we better send them a flaming e-mail and tell all our friends!
former prankee: aww you guyz thats a load of shit, look at this, this, this and this...
pranker #1: dude, we got another email!
Pranker #2: man, these ppl are so pathetic!
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A KiKi Kitty is most commonly known as GaiaOnline's favorite little cat plushie. It was released in March of 2005 through the Thank You letters given to anyone who donated or purchased a Sealed Envelope for that month.
Not only are they available in pixel form, but now can be purchased as a real life plushie or imprinted on a light blue shirt. The RL plushie has a hole in it to attach a clip or something and measures about 8 inches (20 cm) long and 4.5 (11 cm) inches wide. The shirts range from small to extra large Babydoll size shirts, which are very form fitting. The price for the plushie is $14.99, and the shirt is $11.99: both are the price before the calculated shipping.
My RL KiKi Kitty plushie is fluffy like a marshmallow!
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