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john kerry

when a selfish guy nominates himself for a purple heart when his wound is a little scratch

i wanted 2 be considered a war hero

so i pulled a john kerry

by lemonpartyfan April 5, 2007

74๐Ÿ‘ 375๐Ÿ‘Ž

John Kerry

The worst possible retarded fucker candidate in the world. He ran against Bush in 2004 and rightfully lost. A much better candidate than Albert Gore in 2000, but a fucker none the less.

Damn it! Kerry won! Damn! Here come the Taliban to kill us!

by Rob March 13, 2005

129๐Ÿ‘ 684๐Ÿ‘Ž

John Kerry

The most retarted fag on the planet

Reasons why john kerry deserved to lose:

He was a dumbass liar
John Kerry extracts: There was no vote on war!
War was wrong!
I did vote to go to war!
(what a retard!)

He thought that the people with more money should pay more, this is partly true, but it should all be equal, if you earned your way to the top why should you have to spend it all on taxes? And also if the rich dont have to pay more, then there prices will drop and theres less money that the middle class has to pay.

by fjdlkfjsdlfkjldf August 5, 2005

145๐Ÿ‘ 809๐Ÿ‘Ž

John Kerry

Anyone acting in a wishy washy, indecisive manner.

Quit bein' a John Kerry and pick a friggin' drink, willya?

by Bob the Dog March 11, 2006

107๐Ÿ‘ 597๐Ÿ‘Ž

John Kerry

A flip-flopper of the first order. Has consistantly portrayed himself as a war veteran when he wasn't. Has constantly lied about atrocities US troops supposedly commited there in 'Nam that he has never NEVER provided proof for. Has consistantly portrayed himself as a champion of the "little people", when he has no clue as to what that entails. Has consistantly given multiple answers to a singular issue and marks it up to nuance. I guess Kerry is consistant, after all.

How does it feel, John, in this "land of two Americas", that you have to go through ours to get to yours?

by tradesman March 14, 2005

136๐Ÿ‘ 804๐Ÿ‘Ž

john kerry

Clueless turd who's possibly more pompous than Babs Streisand. Fond of the saying "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!".

Yes, unfortunately for you...

30 Yards Away?

John Kerry has spoken many times of his agonized presence at Game 6 of the 1986 World Series:

* "I was 30 yards away from Billy Buckner in that famous Shea Stadium game in '86." (Cite: ESPN Page 2)
* "Talking baseball on the plane, he reminisced, "I was at Shea Stadium, 30 yards from Bill Buckner," recalling the error that many consider cost the Sox the 1986 World Series." (Cite: "Sox Detour for Kerry", New York Daily News, 7/26/2004)
* "The Bay State senator says he....watched in anguish as the ball rolled through Bill Buckner's legs in the 1986 Series against the Mets." (Cite: "Bogus Bosox Fan", New York Post, 9/19/2004)
* "I was about 30 yards away from Billy Buckner when that ball wiggled away" (Cite: Kerry tries to rejuvenate his campaign, USA Today 11/24/2003)

Game 6 of the 1986 World Series was held in New York City, on the evening of October 25, 1986.


According to the Boston Globe, John Kerry was at a banquet in Boston on the evening of October 25, 1986.

Boston Globe Archive abstract:

Published on October 26, 1986
Author(s): Peter J. Howe, Globe Staff

"New Mexico's governor, who holds the highest elected post of any Hispanic nationwide, and the head of the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination were given awards for political excellence last night by the Massachusetts Latino Democratic Committee.

More than 250 people -- including Gov. Dukakis, US Sen. John Kerry and an array of state Cabinet members -- attended the banquet at the World Trade Center in South Boston honoring Gov. Toney Anaya and Alex Rodriguez."

A UPI report places Senator Kerry at Game 7 of the 1986 series.

Senator Kerry has confused Lambeau Field with Lambert Field, David Ortiz with a mythical Manny Ortez, and Eddie Yost with a presumably much better Red Sox ballplayer. He has confused Michigan for Ohio State, Main Street for State Street, and "brat" for "brat".

But could he possibly have confused Game 7 for Game 6?

by Terry Heinz January 2, 2007

87๐Ÿ‘ 509๐Ÿ‘Ž

john kerry

Some fake, fraud, phony and ultimately loser that the defeatocrats ran for president. He joins the likes of other phonies, fakes, frauds, and losers such as Hubert Humphrey, George McGovern, jimmy Carter, Walter Mondale, Michael Dukakis, and Al Gore. Also has a cunt that he calls his wife.

Conservative: Did you know that most of the men John Kerry served with in Vietnam do not like him!

Liberal Douche Bag: You're a fascist!

by Toledo Guy July 27, 2008

45๐Ÿ‘ 243๐Ÿ‘Ž