Doggie, or as people say puppy.
Salty-kun is such a cute widdle puppy OwO
number 10 james is very hot he is probably one of the most hottest men in the entire world
how are you doing JAMES KUN *intensely blushes*
thinks to self *omg he is so hot*
james kun is so hot: this term means that he is very hot
A Chinese pop star who is found to be a chicken.
Ahhhh! Cai Xu Kun is gay
Is an artist/memer from Facebook and Instagram which her real name is Nicole actually. She also does weird selfies/TikTok dances just to have a lot reacts. People usually avoid talking to her because she'll post ur embarrassing pics of u and post it on Facebook just to make her laugh. She eats a lot (chips and toast)
Niicole Kun is an idiot
Niicole Kun is cool
a word for a crazy closeted femboy
this person is near the end of the pipeline, right before they become trans, however they continue to deny it
amari-kun! are you coming out yet?
"i'm straight i promise!! >.<"
The sweetest and loveliest person to ever grace the earth. Someone who is very attentive and cute.
Wow, they're really a Custom-kun, huh?