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Doggie, or as people say puppy.

Salty-kun is such a cute widdle puppy OwO

by Deor November 9, 2020


Totally AnimeJunkies hater
Watches only AOne Fansubs

by Anonymous July 8, 2003

james kun is so hot

number 10 james is very hot he is probably one of the most hottest men in the entire world

how are you doing JAMES KUN *intensely blushes*

thinks to self *omg he is so hot*
james kun is so hot: this term means that he is very hot

by dababydoesletsgo May 11, 2021

Cai Xu kun

A Chinese pop star who is found to be a chicken.

Ahhhh! Cai Xu Kun is gay

by Mustafa bobo September 9, 2022

Niicole Kun

Is an artist/memer from Facebook and Instagram which her real name is Nicole actually. She also does weird selfies/TikTok dances just to have a lot reacts. People usually avoid talking to her because she'll post ur embarrassing pics of u and post it on Facebook just to make her laugh. She eats a lot (chips and toast)

Niicole Kun is an idiot
Niicole Kun is cool

by zicole September 7, 2020


a word for a crazy closeted femboy

this person is near the end of the pipeline, right before they become trans, however they continue to deny it

amari-kun! are you coming out yet?
"i'm straight i promise!! >.<"

by fentsmoker69420 November 15, 2024


The sweetest and loveliest person to ever grace the earth. Someone who is very attentive and cute.

Wow, they're really a Custom-kun, huh?

by Reggie Zarola October 28, 2020