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1. You spelt the word lock wrong while naming your child

2. You are dogshit at every game you play

3. Downbad

You’re such a loc, go die

by Gdo. October 6, 2021


love only crips

ayo bluh killa loc

by turnyturnt January 12, 2021


1: A term used by African Americans on the wrong side of the law to refer to their friends and colleagues.

2: Short for the Spanish word 'loco', or crazy. Seen in much the same way as above.

1: A: "Yo, can a loc come up in your crib?"
B: "Man, fuck you, I'll see you at work.

2: A: "Hey, holmes, can a loc come up in your crib, guey?"

B: "Fuck you, ese, I'll see you at work.

by Caesarsonofmars February 1, 2021



Eazy-E “you a wannabe loc……”

by Nfncjn November 15, 2022

Ricky loc

A really big neck bitch who looks like Ed from 90 day finance he has no friends and like men he a fruit cake

Stop being a ricky loc

by Stevebobcerronebarboza June 9, 2020

Crime Locs

Hair that is grown beyond a certain acceptable height but is kept low.
Usually in the case of private schools with hair length/height restrictions for guys

"Bro, where did Garet get all that hair from"
"He rips durags to get crime locs like those, its almost like he grew it over night"

by 242Bahamian242 October 4, 2018

KB Da Loc

A real young nifgka on crip

I wanna be like KB Da Loc when i grow up!

by 2ndtonone March 11, 2019