When the girl gets the mans penis and punches it into a pulp until the guy nuts
Omg I gave Karl the reversed ling lang and he nutted in my eye
When the girl punches the mans penis until it goes inside of his body and then nuts on the girls face
Omg i gave Karl the reversed ling lang and he left my face all sticky
Lang: how are you going to remove that bolt?
Dennis: I'm going to shoot it.
Lang: damn I didn't think about that.
Dennis whispers to Chris : lang logic
An unknown person,shy and quiet but also outgoing and loud. He has times where hes sad but later happy. Bipolar mixed personalities (not a ynw melly joke). A different person.
Did you notice stephen?
Stephen who
Stephen lang has alot of secrets
The Cherokee punch in the ass. Ass punch in the Cherokee language
I want to Kolbie Lang you Red Feather!
abreviation language formed of mostly one syl words to save on time and then inexplicably doubled or lengthened, thus defeating the purpose.
Honey chile thats just that abreve lang extend nonsense