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Charles Manson

Leader of a murderous cult of Satanic/occultists.

A Satanist with many ties to other Satanists and members of Hollywood and the world Rock & Roll.

A student of Crowley-anity and scientology.

And much much more...........

Guns 'N' Roses actually covered one of this asshole's songs.

by gnr makes me sick March 16, 2005

46๐Ÿ‘ 164๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cody Manson

Cody Manson is the term used for when someone is taking a shit and pissing them selves at the same time. This is really called a "Cody Manson".

HOLY CRAP! Don't cody manson in public!

by jasemaster November 10, 2014

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

marilyn manson

a really fucked up person that does alot of drugs and is a gothic satanist. i don't like the person or what he belives in or what hes tring to say i just like some songs of his. thats all.

some say he's not goth. i say if he's not goth then what the hell is he?

person1: hey, i downloaded some songs on my ipod.

person2:which artist?

person1:marilyn manson.

person2:i hate that guy he's a satanist.

person1:me too i just like some of he songs.

person2: yah they are pretty good.

person1: just don't watch the music videos they ruin the song.

by Eli VeDepo April 24, 2006

26๐Ÿ‘ 117๐Ÿ‘Ž

Marilyn Manson

A very popular music artist who represents why American music and American youth are simultaneously going down the wrong path. No, I am not a religious fanatic. No, I am not an old man. I believe Marilyn Manson is a punk and a fool for 3 reasons. 1) His appearance 2) His music 3) His anti-establishment views. Well regarding #1, he wears a corset during concerts, he wears grotesque makeup, and he looks like the most uncivil character you'll ever meet in your life. Regarding #2, may I first say that his music is an absolute horrific compilation of shit that represents most modern death metal bands. Even if he has no connection with the occult, his lyrics are borderline satanic. His fans say that his lyrics are very poetic, which might be true, but this is not the type of poetry that represents good American values. This leads me to #3. The main reason I believe he is anti-establishment, is because he basically defiles every Judeo-Christian moral ever conceived. The problem with Marilyn Manson is that he is the type of person that no parent would ever be fond of. The reason so many people believe Manson influenced the Columbine shooters was because of the image he creates of himself. If he would change his image, then there would not be so many death threats against him. Jesus, what a punk.

Good American- "Marilyn Manson is a no good fool who is setting a bad image for our youth."

Naive Youth- "What are you talking about, he is awesome."

Good American- "You kids will never learn."

by Good American October 7, 2010

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perry manson

A wannabe lawyer, someone who knows just enough law to give you really bad advice.

Listening to his legal advice is like listening to Perry Manson, he's like a lawyer from hell!

by dog dave April 24, 2004

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Manson Wong

A male human being that is short, annoying, untrustworthy, spoiled, and no one likes him.

Yo did you see that new kid, Manson Wong

by AbsolutelyDemolished April 7, 2022

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Manson-Nixon Line

Dysphemism for Mason-Dixon Line popularized in the late 1960s and early 1970s United States. The two poles, dividing the northern and southern United States, in this fictional line are the Manson Family in Los Angeles, California and Richard Nixon in Washington, D.C.

Bubba the Virginian: "I hate yankees. You couldn't pay me to set nairy one foot over the Manson-Nixon Line into Maryland.

by Huck Sterling May 5, 2008

16๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž