Source Code

Fur Momma

Fur Mommas and their binary counterparts, Fur Daddys, are sweethearted souls who take care of one or more furry mammals.

Zee is such a good fur momma. Look how she cares for her cats. OMG. She's amazing with them, and they allow her to live. ๐Ÿ‘€

by Gnฮธ ฮฒฮธdฮน July 6, 2018

5๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Yo Momma

God awful show on MTV in which brainless gits try to insult eachother. Wilmer Valderrama hosts.

"Have you seen Yo Momma?"
"Yeah, I think I lost 50 IQ points."

"Wilmer Valderrama just lost all of his cool points because he's on this stupid show."

by Kim Dr May 14, 2006

25๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

yo momma

a retort that is used alot at my school. it should have died out awhile ago but no.it stood firm. it is usually a shitty retort because the person cant think of a fucking thing.

yo mommas so fat when she stepped on the table it said to be continued!

yo mommas so fat she has more chins then a chinese phone book!

yo mommas so fat when she fell off the bed she fell ouff both sides!!! looks somewhat like this. _I^I_ ( the ^ being the bed. i really suck at shit like that.)


19๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

yo momma

Means if someone says your ugly etc... that it is a smart comeback. It really just insults the persons mom.

Bully:"Your so ugly I can't even face that direction!!! "Ha,ha,ha!

Nerd: "Yo Mamma!!!


by AQUA16 March 27, 2005

14๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

yo momma

your mom, insult overused in the common highschool, middleschool, and any such place where kids are found

Kid 1 - What'd we do yesterday?
Kid 2 - Yo momma, it was very good, I strongly recommend it
Kid 3 - *falls over laughing*

(Yes, this is a real example i heard in one of my classes last week)

by Pyrolonewolf March 1, 2008

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yo momma!

A random thing to shout when bored.

Dude: I'm bored.
Other Dude: So?
Dude: Yo momma!

by bobauly April 1, 2008

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yo momma

Someone who is so fat that she has two area codes.

Yo mamma's so fat, I ran around her and got lost.

by dj gs68 August 24, 2003

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