Snow showers that are more atmospheric than intrusive
The snow showers will be nothing more than some "mood flakes"
When one is in insatiable need of a fingering.
Hey baby! Are you in the fingering mood?
A lukewarm mood is like your agitated it's not red hot so your not extremely mad but you're slightly annoyed.
Darth Vader telling me he was my father set me into a lukewarm mood for eternity.
When a person seems to be high yet has not taken drugs
Wow that person is in such a meg mood.
How you behave on The London Underground (or tube) whenever you may be on it. It may be that you do offer your seat to those who need it more or it may be that your a douche its however you act on the Tube.
Guy 1 "hey dude check out that dick not giving that pregnant lady his seat"
Guy 2 "wow.. what a dick, I bet he's in a shit tube-mood"
My spicy burrito Kamile is a big fat mood. Just her lifestyle is a mood. Burrito moods are the best moods!
When the laughs come out but you dunno why. The nonstop laughing.
"I'm in a laughtatious mood and I don't know why."