1)A bunch of fucked up, super religious dumb shits who believe in fucking their cousins and having multiple wives.
2) The guys who mow my lawn for free.
3) People who will force a bible down your throat if you don't listen to them when they come to your door every frickin' day. x.x
Guy 1: Dude. I banged my cousin last night
Guy 2: MORMON!!11111223211////!
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A stuipid religon.
Where all the people worship god.
Hate people who arent mormans.
No caffine.
No tattos.
No piercings.
No gf or bf untill 16.
Go on gay missions.
Have to wear a tux/dress to church.
Kids Cant go anywhere with out permmision.
Family Orentated.
Doesnt support gays.
Use Non cuss words ex. Heck, Fudge, Gosh
Goes on Stuipid missions to preach about god.
Losers in School.
Straight A students.
Hang out with other momons.
Has A billion churches and wards.
98% live in utah.
Mormon Kid A. ''hey, Lets go to the skate Park'
Mormon Kid B. " Yeah maybe we can hang out with the cool skaters."
Mormon Parent A "Heck No, Go to church and worship god!"
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slang for people who are part of the Mormon church. Their church is actually called The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Common misconceptions include:
-they cannot eat chocolate (false. wtf?)
-Mormons are not Christian
(VERY false)
-Mormons are polygamists/support polygamy (FALSE AF)
- they are required to have 12 children (lmao false)
-birth control is prohibited (false)
-they hate gay people (F A L S E)
-they believe gay people automatically go to hell (FALSE)
-Mormons worship Joseph Smith (FALSE)
-all Mormons live in Utah (false)
-Mormons hate the Bible (f.a.l.s.e. High schoolers literally take a year long class on it. Mormons believe the Bible.)
-Mormons cannot have caffeine (false. Mormons are against addictive substances, so some stay away from caffeine as a personal rule. Lots of Mormons love their Dr Pepper)
It's true Mormons don't believe in The Trinity--they believe God, Jesus Christ, and Holy Ghost are three separate beings.
Also true: Mormons don't drink alcohol (aka kno how to have the time of their life without a substance) or coffee or tea, get tattoos, or zillions of piercings (basically, super into respect for their bodies)
Stereotypical Mormons are hot rich superfriendly blondes. Tragically, very small % of Mormons fulfill this stereotype (but not none ;)))
Mormons try their best to be good people
NOTE: the musical the Book of Mormon is 1 hilarious 2 shockingly disrespectful 3 not an accurate portrayal of Mormon faith/people
nonmormon: "MORMONS ARENT CHRISTIAN!!1!!!!1!"
Mormon 1: *exhausted sigh*
Mormon 2: "lmao. The words 'Jesus Christ' are in the title of our Church. Jesus Christ is the basis of everything we believe."
"You don't drink? What are you, Mormon?"
*friendly smile/shrug* "yeah I am lol"
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A strong, offensive term for a boy scout who attempts to get the Eagle Scout rank at or before age fifteen. In other words, the pre-med of scouting.
While a good mormon (usually an actual LDS member) will achieve his goal through hard work and determination, most mormons get to Eagle early by hacking through the scouting system.
A typical mormon gets to Eagle Scout in the sleaziest way possible, superficially demonstrating knowledge while not actually retaining it and completing his requirements and Eagle Project the easy way. They leave scouts without any of the skills and virtues that their peers have.
The term "mormon" comes from the fact that almost every mormon (religion) is a mormon (scout jargon). The Church of Later Day Saints and the Boy Scouts of America have a synergetic partnership of sorts, where a mormon boy's religious advancement can closely mirror his scout advancement. Unfortunately, this creates a high standard for Eagle Scout ages, so other scouts (some of them LDS members) try to match them.
Your once-in-a-lifetime Eagle Project is painting a sign? You mormon.
"Wanna go tip Austin's canoe with me?"
"No, I need to go get stuff signed off."
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The majority of a well-dressed colony of people that have chosen to live underground because no one likes them and/or likes to read their boring pamphlets. Go Away Already! Stay beneath the manholes you belong under.
Mormon: Hey little boy, want to lear about Hell?
Little Boy: Umm....
Little Boy's Dad: Stay away from my son you river rat!!!
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A person who believes in the book of mormon, other religions reject them saying that the book of mormons is fake, also called a cult.Most of the mormons live in Utah.
I am a mormon and I follow the Book of Mormons.
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How can someone even mock a religion they dont even know about? I will give you 13 beleifs the mormons beleive in.
1. We Believe in god the eternal father, in his son jesus christ, and in the holy ghost.
2. we beleive that men will be punished for their own sins and not for adam's transgression.
3. We beleive that through the atonement of christ all mankind maybe saved by obidence to the laws and ordinances of the gospel.
4. WE ebelevei that the first principles and ordinances of the gospel are, first Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, 2nd Repentance; 3rd Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; 4th laying on of hands for the girlf ot he holy ghost.
5. We beleive that a man must be called of god by prophecy and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority to preach the gospel and minister in the ordincances thereof.
6. We beleve in the same organization that exsisted in the primitive chruch, namely apostles, prophets, pastors, teahers, evangelists, and so forth.
7. We beleive in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth.
8. we beleive in the bible to the be the word of god as far as it is translated correctly; we also beleive in the book of mormon to be the word of god.
9. we beleive all that god has revealed, all that he does now reveal, and we belvei that he wil yet reveal many great important thing pertaining to the kingdom of god.
10. we believe in the literal gathering of israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that zion (the new jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent; that christ will reign personally upon the earth and, that the earth will be renewed and recieve it paradisiacal glory.
11. We claim the privilege of worshipping Almight God according to the dictates of our own conscience and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.
12. we beleive in the being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrated, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.
13. We beleive in being honest true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed we may say we fallow the admonition of Paul--we beleive all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. if there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.
*Joseph Smith*
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