Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
We're not a cult, we don't want to force religion down your throat, and we whole-heartedly accept that you have your own opinion. We believe our church's doctrine to be true, yet many of the members are still quite flawed (myself included, as well as many others who have attempted to tell you what we're all about).
If you really want to know about our church, talk to the missionaries. Members have a tendency to twist what we believe in their own ways. The missionaries will (for the most part) set you straight on our beliefs. They will never force what they have to say upon you. If you don't want them around, just politely tell them so. Trust me, I was a missionary myself. You can be mean to them, but they'll just make fun of you (like anybody else would).
The only real way for people to tell us apart from everyone else (and no, it's not our horns...although they're really quite stylish) is from the things we DON'T do. For example, we don't drink coffee or tea, and we don't have sex before we're married. By choice, mind you. Our members are free to drink as much coffee as they want, or look up as much porn as they want. Seems to me that being able to NOT do such things is a great exercise in self-control. Most people don't seem to like that because they themselves do not have the same self-control and they want to put down anyone else who does.
Please don't disparage Joseph Smith. We revere him as a great man. It's not his church, and we don't worship him. We follow our Savior Jesus Christ (although sometimes as members we have a tendency to think of that as a given, and could probably be more vocal about it).
We're not perfect. Neither are you. If you don't like us, that's fine. We accept that. We've heard everything you have to say about us. While most of it is either untrue or twisted, we allow you to have your own opinion. You don't have to join our church, so I don't see why everyone feels the need to condemn us. I don't remember Christ telling us to condemn another who believes and follows Him.
Do you?
I myself am a Mormon and I love our church. We've got some really amazing people who do some really amazing things. I mean...who DOESN'T love the Osmonds??? (That was a joke) But heck! Did you know the dude that invented the TV was Mormon? Holy crap, it's true! Philo Farnsworth. Look it up!
If you want to learn more about us visit or Good luck to us all.
Mormons rock! (just a little lighter than others, that's all)
84๐ 145๐
The best religion in the whole world! They dont have boring church sessions. They have fun youth activities. They have hott missionary elders. They're the best! The only true church on earth. I don't see why anyone could hear about the church and not know it's true because it definitely is and if someone wants me to explain how i know its true i'll explain to them in a second. Theres a lot of false rumors about our beleifs which aren't true. We tend to be very nice people. There's a lot of mormons in Utah. Not many in some other places like in nova scotia. There's like, none. but its all good. I love the church, its amazing.
Look at those hott elders theyre so cool
121๐ 217๐
A name for a someone who does each of the following:
1. Glares at anyone without blonde hair or stupid plastered smile.
2. Rides their bike in the middle of the road, slowing all the real transportation down.
3. Knocks on your door with two friends, one may be the Anti-Christ
4. Believe women should get a lobotomy and keep pushing out more robot children
5. Never leave Salt Lake Valley because everything outside the walls are a danger to them and their children.
6. Believe African Americans are the devil
7. Stick to meat and potatoes every night, because they were born without taste buds
8. Will almost run your car off the road just to get themselves to church faster.
9. Make people cringe with how many children the pop out
10. Get married right out of high school to unsure the rest of their life is just making babies and network marketing
11. Decorating their home will send them to hell
Look at how many ob gyns there are on this street! We must be near mormons..
39๐ 64๐
A religion restored by Joseph Smith. We DO NOT practice polagamy!!!! And we are not a cult!!!! We believe the following:
# God is our Heavenly Father. He loves us and wants us to return to Him.
# Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is our Savior. He redeems us from death by providing the Resurrection. He saves us from sin as we repent.
# Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can return to live with God if we keep His commandments.
# The Holy Ghost helps us to recognize truth.
# The first principles and ordinances of the gospel are faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism, and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost.
# The Church of Jesus Christ has been restored to the earth.
# The priesthood authority of God exists in His Church today, just as it did in the original Church.
# The Bible and the Book of Mormon are the word of God.
# God reveals His will to prophets today, just as He did anciently.
# Our life has a sacred purpose.
# Families can be together forever.
# Through serving others, we can experience joy and draw closer to God.
And not all mormons like Jello I find it pretty gross personaly! And we do have TVs and electricty. Were not amish.
Julie is a Latter-Day Saint or mormon and she goes to public school. She goes to church on sunday and practices her beliefs.
121๐ 220๐
1. A religion that is no more and no less evil than others, but whose members are encouraged to donate as much as they can to homophobic causes. One member was so enthusiastic, he gave away the second 'M' of the very name of his religion and now all are known collectively as Morons.
In an attempt to make people forget that the church was founded on Polygamy, Mormons give money to prevent others from having the right to marry one person of their choice and have hence forth become a church of Morons.
51๐ 86๐
Mormon is a religion that Hawaii people do not like much. Often get yelled at or picked on when going from door to door or riding their stupid bicycles.
"Get off the road you stupid mormon" "Get off my yard fucking mormon" "Lets steal the mormon bikes" "Damn haoles."
81๐ 152๐
mormons are nice people, if you hate on them, then your a douche bag, just let them believe what they want
Person: The mormon religion is B.S.!
Person 2: You are a bag of douche
87๐ 167๐