Steps to add-on to your jacked up truck so people can easily get into it.
"She had to use my nerf bars to get into my truck!
the silly word john roblox uses when he sees an op strat in his strategic game
john roblox: nerfing brb
When the developers of a game do not include a change to the game in the changelogs, usually to "nerf" or decrease the effectiveness of an ingame mechanic or item. This is done to avoid angering the community, but generally ends up doing the opposite.
The devs silent nerfed the pyro, how am I meant to play now?
A simple reply to a comment about a happening that you do not care about, does not affect you,however; saying I dont care would hurt the other persons feelings.
Meip: hey i finally got my new macbook
Brad:(thinking how this dosent really matter) nerf-cat...
Meip: oh...ok...(changes subject)
The space between the nutsack and poop chute
I wiped and got poop on my nerf turf :(
when you play nerf wars but instead of guns you use your cock and cum on your enemies
i went to a playground and asked if they wanted to play nerf cum war i was arrested
Used when something/someone is awesome in any way.
Originates from the gaming world (nerfing e.g. a weapon = making it weaker or less overpowered).
Strawberries need a nerf so badly!
Why is he so funny? He needs to be nerfed.