Some one you keep in your crew just because they are fun to laugh at when they do or say dumb things, you aren't usually laughing with this person but at them.
ted said that black ops four is better than modern warfare two, hahaha he is such a fun dummy.
A person who thinks they're really smart, but shows their stupidity by not believing in voting, journalism, viruses or equal rights
Mike's always complaining about racism, but he won't even go vote - just another woke dummy.
Eddie's a real woke dummy. He swears he loves the community, but he treats women like shit.
Theresa's got a big corporate job, but she tells all her friends the pandemic is a hoax. What a woke dummy!
Dummy Faded is a condition in which someone gets so high that they are actually becoming uunintelligent and slow because of the copious amounts of drugs or substances that they consumed
Tom: Bro I just smoked like 10 blunts now I'm "dummy faded "
When your so thicc the claps of your ass cheeks alert the guards
#1:hes so dummy thicc it's hard to not notice him
#2:*clap clap clap*
A term used to describe something that is so unbelievable(in an extraordinarily good way) that you can’t wrap your mind around it.
*girl with phenomenal ass walks by*
Guys thought in his head: “that girl stupid dummy slim thicc”
A Pasty or Sausage Roll used usually by single Mom's as a Dummy or Pacifier to keep their yappy future criminal in a pushchair silent for 10 minutes so they can have a cigarette or drink of cider in peace.
Look at that classy lady over there by the bus-stop sucking a dick.... she's distracted her kid for 5 minutes with a Greggs Dummy so she can earn this weeks rent money.
Poor little baby, he's got a Greggs Dummy for dinner again.
when some asshole steals your begal and you shoot jim in the kneecap
your'e dummy tuff or thats pretty dummy tuff