a word meaning better than best friend, the highest of friendship levels. Normally when you and another person are Oly Fri Fri's that friendship will last forever, but not all the time.
there is nothing higher than Oly Fri Fri. nothing.
Bob and I are Oly Fri Fri's
Oli is the kind guy that just has a big penis and gets lots of women
Fucking god with a dick the size of gokus ego and as powerful as goku too
Some sick ass bitch who likes to float up to the sky and slay 1 million people with a single swing of his dick, he has a beautiful and likes to spin his dick in circles
Oli is kinda alpha TO BE HONEST and also a bit nonchalant but not too nonchalant he’s not aloof. Oli is nice to everyone but if you get on his bad side then he snaps. Oh and he gets all the snaps. Pop off king. Curious George should be curious Oli because he has all the questions and he gets his answers too.
E: Hey have you seen Oli?
Jay: Yeah, I spotted him howling at the moon.