Source Code

GPS punt

Don't rely on your phone's compass. You know which path is correct on the map but not on the ground.

Take one of the paths and check a minute later whether you have chosen the right path. Whether you were right or wrong, you have successfully used the GPS punt technique.

Derived from GPS and punt.

Walk leader: Turn around everyone, that was just a GPS punt. We actually want the other path.

by incognito1982 April 7, 2018

Pussy punt

Femine version of cock-blocking. A female ruining the chance for another female to score sexually.

I was making a strong connection with Bob at the bar when Gina tried to pussy punt me.

by Bolligal February 3, 2017

Pussy Punt

while pussy eating, you thrust your hips and punt the girl's face forcefully off your pussy

I grabbed the bitch by the hair and pussy punted her off the bed.

by LezzBeHonest July 9, 2018


To kick and launch, a person, animal, or inanimate object while fucking.

“Jesus! What happened to the humidifier?”
“Oh man... must have accidentally fuck-punted that thing last night...”

by FPunterman January 24, 2020

Punt Gun

When a man builds up semen by not ejaculating for days or weeks then attends a gathering where he beats off into a crowd ejaculating on many people at one time.

Dude I didnt beat off for 3 weeks and got all swolled up with the baby batter! I went to Lakesia’s party and spanked the monkey in a closet, when I was ready to blow I popped out and pulled a PUNT GUN blasting jizz on at least 6 people!”

by Deepthroat Dan February 12, 2021

Cunt Punt

The act of kicking a female in the crotch, so hard, she drops like a man who was kicked in the balls.

The girl was losing the fight until she delivered a cunt punt that devestated her opponent.

by The Holland Sisters June 14, 2021

Cunt punt

When a woman get kicked in the va jj aka the virgins

One time I cunt punted a hoe so hard that she end Ed up in the next county.

by Ajobcg April 7, 2021