A person who intentionally hurts someone by critising or discriminating someone due to there race
E.g excluding someone or treating someone unfairly due to there race making racial slurs or inappropriate comments due to there race
Racial abuse
Someone whose race is indecipherable
Obama is a racial chameleon, sometimes black, sometimes not.
Or Racial Stranding. It happens when a multiracial person doesn't feel belong to either race of his parents. It is an "In Between" state.
Similar to Culture Stranding
Matt's white friends think he is to "Asian" and his Asian friends think he is too "White"; His is Racially Stranded.
Someone of one race who is inconsolably upset and angry they will never be a member of another race.
ABC is pissed that they’re brown and will never be white. He’s a racial incel.
Oh gosh golly geez! He said a racial slur! Oh boy! Oh geez! Oooooooooooh noooooo!
An actual fucking retard "Oh geez! The guy that we stalking and harassing said a fucking racial slur guys! A racial slur the WE... Pretended not to see! We're manufacturing a mental illness and stalking someone and the guy we're doing it to said a bad word guys!"
Hym "I mean... I also called her a slut... Nobody said anything about that... I also used baked goods AS a racial slur... I SAID a racial slur... And.... Yeah. I actually do it here all the time. THAT'S WHAT YOU COME HERE FOR! You come here to see the racial slurs because secretly you love them! You want to say them too! But only I am allow. Master of racial slurs!"
A fucking retard (literally) "I'm going to completely misrepresenting this entire interaction from start to finish. I'm going to decontextualize literally as much as humanly possible."
Hym "Hey, yeah, look... If you're mad about the racial slurs... If you're mad I said a thing you don't like... Just remember... Nobody gave a shit when it was me. And I created A.I."
When a white guy named Spencer gives a handjob from a black guy
Spencer gives a racial twist to Tyron!
Racial fear is the irrational fear that Black, Indigenous, and people of color are dangerous. It often shows up as unpredictable and harmful reactions directed at communities of color. Racial fear actually endangers Black, Indigenous, and people of color.
Source: Racial Wellness, a book by Jacquelyn Ogorchukwu Iyamah
When the white woman on the sidewalk clutched her purse as I walked passed, I knew she was exhibiting racial fear.