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An adjective used to describe a person who is not otherwise part of the action being described, often participating haphazardly.

Joe: After the Mongo Boys sprayed me with paint balls, a guy came up to me and poured a bucket of water on my head.

Mel: Was he part of the Mongo Boys group that attacked you?

Joe: No, he was just some random guy in the crowd.

by The Knowing Educator February 27, 2008

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a randy random mostly used in Gears of War 2 to describe a Random kid that sucks ass and jacks kills

Gears of War 2 Player: "Wow that Random just stole my kill"

by BlakeFoShoYo May 21, 2009

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N. A special technique in Counterstrike where you shoot through the wall while not being able to see your enemy, but you shoot for no reason anyway which resultsin killing him.

n00b: You f*cking h4x0r, how the f*ck did you kill me? how did you know I was there?

rand00m: random.

by jin February 14, 2004

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(noun). An unfamiliar person met while out with friends.

Alice: Hey, who's Eve talking to?
Bob: Just some Random.

by M.Rexy.678024 April 20, 2009

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a thing or action out of the ordinary

That was so random.

by higher pie January 28, 2003

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Weird events, people, actions, etc. that are often associated with a large groups of people and consumption of even larger amounts of alcamahol.

This random bitch siad she drank "a vagina full of beer" and showed me her tits.

by CJ April 28, 2004

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To be random is to say weird things when nobody expects it,or, maybe say something unexpected.

Person #1: Isn't that dude over there SO cute?
Person #2: Totally! He looks great in that red shirt!
Person #1: Well that was random.

by highschoolmusicalrox24 March 1, 2009

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