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Hot Soup Records

Hip Hop producers from California

Have you heard that new Hot Soup Records beat?

by WesCos April 16, 2009

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Guinness World Record

Drinking so much Guinness beer that you are hypothetically in the running for a world record.

Bob: Steve almost set a Guinness World Record last night at the pub.

Paul: For his really long fingernails?

Bob: No, he just drank shitloads of Guinness.

by Pistol Pete Maravich July 9, 2011

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Serjical Strike Records

A record label created by Serj Tankian (frontman of System of a Down) to give less-recognized talented bands a chance.

Fair To Midland is signed to a deal with Serjical Strike Records.

by Marshall D. August 25, 2007

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High Focus Records

High Focus Records is a British underground rap record label, devoted to resurrecting the UK hip-hop music scene. It was established in 2010, with rappers such as Dirty Dike, Jam Baxter, The Four Owls and Edward Scissortongue signed to the label.

British UK Hip-hop rap Underground rap music record label High Focus Records

by Jon Phoenix July 26, 2014

Im recording you

something a karen would say once she loses an arguement in a fast food restaurant worker

Im recording you, this will be in my facebook live you broke bitch, my son is a lawyer and he will sue your ass

by mysticminds October 2, 2021

JetSpeed Records

Fueled by the musically diverse acts on our roster, JetSpeed Records continues to be home to some of the best up and coming artists in the business. From Country to Death Metal, from Belgium to Florida, we've got what you're looking for right on one dynamic music label.

Working with award winning producers and engineers, it is our goal to produce only the best records to hit the scene. We strive to promote our artists to the fullest of their potential.

Our team is full of bright and creative members dedicated to keeping close relationships with acts and getting their music enjoyed by all who experience it. We will continue to sign only the most talented artists.

JetSpeed Records remains the fastest growing record label on the West Coast. Thanks for checking us out.

JetSpeed Records remains the fastest growing record label on the West Coast.

by JSRINC October 21, 2009

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Record Label Syndrome

The act of theoretically spending your money before you've made the product.

Singer - "Dude, when our album sells 4 million copies, I'm gonna buy a boat, the music video is gonna have explosions and a Lil' Wayne verse and..."

Producer - "Have you started writing the songs?"

Singer - "Nope!"

Producer - "You have Record Label Syndrome"

by Phrainck91 April 30, 2010

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