A scale to rate atractiveness. The scale ranges from 0 - 21, but mostly stops around 10, however, the top of the scale is usually referred to as "Pass out". Lower scores mean more atractiveness. The name spaten comes from a german bottled beer. It originates from figuring out how many spatens it will take to find another person attractive enough to get it on with.
drunk person 1)Hey, that 7 spaten bitch is eyeing you.
drunk person 2)Fuck you asshole! I'd have to pass out first before I'd go near that funky vag.
totally trashed drunk)WTF man, I'll do her!
drunk person 1)that twisted mother fucker just reached pass out on the spaten scale.
drunk person 2)Ya, best but the prick another spaten so he wont regret this in the morning.
The scale from 1 to 10 on which you would place a man/woman according to "hotness"
Ciaran: "what would you rate her?"
Des: "on the chickter scale? 7, maybe 8"
For every 1 -10 cloud it is 10 snoops for example if someone says they are on cloud 10 they are at 100 snoop's it's a high rating system
Yo man I'm on cloud 8 , oh dude your at 80 snoop's
Bro let's get to cloud 10 aka 100 snoop's
Definition:Meaning how high a person is or how high they want to get aka the snoop scale
(A.K.A. Code of Awesome, Code of Bro (not to be confused with Bro Code), Scale of Bro)
The point system used by Bros to define the awesomeness of a Second Bro to a Third Bro who has inquired as to the awesomeness of said Second Bro.
The Scale of Awesome:
1. "Aight"-said Bro can pass for Bro status, however only when half drunk and/or has just saved another Bro from a Breach of the Bro Code.
2. "Kinda Cool"-Bro is fun to hang out with on some level every other day, and can be considered a wingman on rare occasion.
3. "Cool"-Bro has passed required 3 assists in a fellow Bro's score of the night and can be hung out with for up to 3 days at once.
4. "Pretty Awesome"-Bro has saved a fellow Bro from disaster in the scoring area at least 5 times (although hopefully not the same Bro all five times, as this would result in a loss of that Bro's Bro Card for 48 hours after the saved 5th score); brings beer to parties without being forced.
5. "Really Cool"-Bro will give up a night of football on up to a 50 inch tv to assist another Bro in scoring if said score is a 7 or higher out of 10; can be hung out with for up to 5 days at a time.
6. "Awesome"-Bro will assist in a fellow Bro's score regardless of the rating of said score or what is on TV, (EXCEPTION: Super Bowl on 60 inch or larger television); has some musical talent on a relatively cool instrument (for example, electric or acoustic guitar, bass guitar, drums).
7. "THE MAN"-Bro has never violated the Bro Code; will not hesitate to assist a fellow Bro in scoring no matter what said Bro ranks on this scale; can entertain a large bar full of unruly drunks with musical ability; can be hung out with for months at a time.
another term used to describe the scale by which hot women are measured. The scale ranges from 1 to 10 and women are given higher numbers depending on thier ability to induce an erectile response in males merely by being in the room.
Bro 1: "dude check out that chick, she scores at least a nine on the erector scale!"
Bro 2: "Gross dude, she's barely a five."
A scale that goes from dope to soap (soap is good and dope is based). It’s used to determine how dope a situation is.
On the dope scale Yoli is dope
This dope is pretty soap
A scale used to measure the magnitude of a fart that can be anywhere from a .1 to a 10.
Damn dude, that was like a 7.8 on the Ripper Scale