1. A fully decomposed rat corpse.
2. A phrase commonly used to refer to someone annoying or silly.
1. Eww, there's a rat skeleton on the street.
2. Stop being such a rat skeleton
Sal is probably the best person to ever live. He gets so many bitches, too many that he had to construct another house because they were overflowing.
Girl: " Sal the Skeleton has the biggest bone I've ever seen! "
Guy: " Sal made me gay "
If you woke up at 5:27 am, dont go outside, the skeleton might appear!
Got destroyed on the pirates of the Caribbean ride
They got rid of the skeleton mermaid
The Coolest guy there is in the entire universe.
Ps. Totally not Senior Skeleton
Writing this definition.
Guy1:Wow when i grow up i wanna be like senior skeleton!!
Guy2: shut up Timmy no one cares!!
Dresses like a material girl but really has the fashion sense of a blind autistic-monkey; a set of clothes a blind person would cry at. Has the educational level of a 4 th grade sped kid with the same attention span. The earrings of a bad bitch, but the bigger the hoops the bigger the hoe- never turns in her work- also smells like mustard gas making want to throw up. Her voice is auditory assault on my ears making me bleed more than a murder victim. Long legs but slow as hell (in the head too). As thin as a stick as a stick on my walks contemplating my friendship with her. Made teachers want to retire. Hair like my grandmas ball of yarn.
Wow Isabella makes me want to drop out she must be an emo skeleton also a black pencil is brighter than her future!