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Muddy Spliff

A muddy spliff is when you smoke 5 honey berry backwoods then take your leftover roaches and grind them in your grinder then roll it into a joint with a filter. Caution take small hits at a time. Inhale in the mouth then inhale into lungs with a loose throat, because it will be very harsh.


-instant head rush that kicks you in the face

-dizziness (don’t stand up or do stand up idc)

-long lasting high but short head high

-makes an experienced smoker feel like a newbie again

“Aye bruh what the fuck was that?!”

Itsa muddy spliff aha you feel that shit hit your face? ! “

“Damn. yeah!”

by MuddySpliff Inventor March 27, 2021

Reverse Cowgirl Spliff

A reverse cowgirl spliff is made by your typical broke stoner friend. It is made by taking a cigarellow and spreading dabs on the inside then putting half of the Tabacco back in rolling it and smoking it.

Hey you fellas wanna hit this reverse cowgirl spliff?

by The DERk Man November 22, 2018

King's Spliff

The event in which a person does a blowjob to another person while that receiving person is smoking a joint.

Last night Galy gave me an amazing King's Spliff I am not about to forget.

by Galy1998 September 24, 2017

nubby spliff

A sliff rolled by using scraps collected from nubbys. Nasty tasting, disgusting.

"Ah man, he's smoking a nubby spliff"

by Rinser F September 5, 2007

madi spliff

Extremely sexy, funny, tenacious, smart , the best ever so hot and pretty
Knows how to get the party started

Good times

Holy shit madi spliff just got on the slingshot

by ooooiuuu March 24, 2021

Spliff Sauce

A combination of blunt tobbacco and cheap weed, mixed together in order to create a spliff

Guy 1: Nigga, you got that spliff sauce?

Guy 2: Hell yeah, lets get kinda high

by PurgatoryOfUncertainty December 8, 2011

electric spliff

vaping a thc weed cart at the same time as a nicotine vape

Amelia is getting totally baked and buzzed at the same time while ripping the electric spliff

by NewOrleansStrangler May 30, 2024