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Starbucks enema

Bowel movement caused by drinking an oversized cup of coffee. Usually happens when you are already back in the car. Only the sheer willpower of a Jedi will keep you safe until you reach the office.

Oh man. I am stuck in traffic and this Venti caffe latte is giving me a Starbucks enema. Let's hope I don't soil myself.

by Billy Bubba July 6, 2008

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Starbucks girl

A Starbucks girl is a stereotype given to girls that are commonly in 14 - 18 years old. They usually hang around in small groups. Starbucks girls deliberately type in short forms of words or how you actually say the word. As the name implies, their hangout spot is almost always Starbucks.

Starbucks girls usually wear really loose shirts, and very tight jeans. They wear colorful clothing and jewellery. They have 2 - 5 social media accounts and they care about it a lot, so they will be aggressive if you insult them online.

Starbucks girl #1: "oh my god did you see that kid insult my picture online?"

Starbucks girl #2: "I know right? he's totes jelly of you."

Starbucks girl #1: "I hait that kid he's such a bulleh"

by social justice penguin June 20, 2017

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Starbucks Marxist

A modern day socialist or communist (or general far left individual) who doesn't realize what a failure left-economics are, and persists in proclaiming themselves part of a marxist group, despite wearing a tee shirt from Walmart and drinking Starbucks latte.

It is uncommon to see a Starbucks Marxist who has a degree- and those that do normally hold the title "bachelor of arts in women's studies."

Common amongst Starbucks Marxists is undying love for Hugo Chavez, Che Guevara, Joseph Stalin, or Karl Marx.

The Starbucks Marxist proclaims his support for communist causes, while wearing a 30 dollar tee shirt made in India by 12 year olds.

by Styxhexenhammer666 March 3, 2014

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Starbucks and Study

When two people go to starbucks pretending to "study", but are actually just going on a date that may or may not involve first, second, third, or even home base.

Guy 1: She just invited me to go to starbucks to study.
Guy 2: Starbucks and study eh?
Guy 1: Shut up!

by TheModernPianist September 27, 2017

Starbucks Liberal

A "liberal" who is actually not one. Typically drinks frappachinos, reads the New York Times, drives a Prius, and listens to NPR. Votes for any Democrat, regardless of actual position on policy, for an endless list of reasons, most of which are unexamined and fallacious. Considers him or herself a radical, a progressive, and believes in grassroots causes without actually supporting any.

Too bad all those Starbucks Liberals decided John Kerry should be the Democratic nominee in 2004.

by Emerson_PF November 4, 2009

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A wired and out of control person

D $ :"those refs blew it on Monday night football...cant believe thay gave that TD to the Seahawks!"

Young E: " you think those replacement refs wanted to deal with 60,000 tree-hugging, Starbucked-up maniacs? I'd cave too!"

by badback9 September 25, 2012

Starbucks Socialist

A term used to describe a person who supposedly loathes corporate America, while at the same time being a major consumer of its products.

The phrase was coined after seeing numerous people drinking Starbucks coffee while preaching the wonders of socialism and the horror of corporate America.

Gabriel sipped his Starbucks coffee while lamenting the rise of corporate America.

by The Remster February 11, 2005

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