From the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a veteran is an old soldier of long service. A forum veteran (often just called a veteran or a vet; plural veterans or vets) is simply a member of an online community that has stuck around in that community for a long time and is usually quite knowledgeable regarding the community's members, history, etc.
Furthermore, forum veterans are often characterized as having fairly large post counts and being highly respected and/or well-known within their community (the latter depending on the size of said community).
Also, in some communities they are referred to as old-timers (especially after they refer to past events being "back in the day," etc)...
Bob is a forum veteran, because he's been a member of RaGEZONE for years, since like, forever...
A PErsonal Development Program that many people say is a cult but in reality they work their ass off to get you to come to their expensive ass seminars or courses as they call it and before doing the seminar you wonder what the fuck youre doing and afterward you feel like you cleared your head and made friends
Presenter: Landmark Forum is a serious of Conversations and in here we will learn about Rackets, What we're giving power to and allow ourselves to fully FEEL. Please Remember your Confidentiality.
Participant: What the fuck am i doing. This shit was $1,000 and why
Also Participant: Bye Friends, I feel soooooooo motherfucken good and happy and free
A place on the interwebs where people get to talk about how shitty Civics are and race other people based on who can name more mods for their car than the other person.
Car forum discussion example: Civics are pieces of shit, and my Mustang can beat yours because I have a pulley and a tune on it.
A place to have a argument about fx. the F-117 nighthawk (stealth jet) and then leak a classified document to win the argument
or to find help getting to another tier of fx. planes
person 1: did you hear what happened on the warthunder forums
person 2: what did they leak now
person 1: This tim it was the F-117 nighthawk which brings the amount of leaked documents up to 16 documents i believe
when your scared of forums because you think what you post will either get ignored by the community, AND or hated on.
"Types out long ass paragraph for thread"
-Forum-Phobia kicks in-
"Deletes it"
a person who posts online in a manner to make themselves impressive and is often caught up in his/her own lie by other online posters
posterA: i raced a ferrari on main street with my car last night and kicked its butt.
posterB: main street has been shut for a week.
posterC: haha, what a forum jockey