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georgia tech

An American Institution famous for screwing its undergraduates. In addition, when undergrads look for hope in graduate schools like an MIT, Berkeley, Stanford, Caltech, or UCLA, they realize that Georgia Tech as destroyed all their hope by giving them GPAs a full 1.5 points lower then the competition.

As a result, they end up doing their graduate studies in the same school that drove them so often to suicide as undergraduates.

Stanford's 2007 incoming graduate engineering class consisted of MIT, Stanford, Caltech, Berkeley, and UCLA undergrads. All Georgia Tech applicants failed to meet the 3.0 GPA requirements, in spite of a near perfect average on the GREs.

by Dark Lorde April 1, 2007

278๐Ÿ‘ 92๐Ÿ‘Ž

tech guy

in a typical adventuring team, the person in charge of equipment maintenance and modification.

tech guy: I added a few features...

by Spaz De Kat December 8, 2009

26๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

nike tech

wearing the sacred tech means you get an insane amount of hoes but are still loyal

wow, that guy has a nike tech, you know what that means.

by zesty zay April 26, 2022

13๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Glitch Tech

An employee for a fictional Video-Game Business known as Hinobi Tech. Originates from the show "Glitch Techs". Once recruited into the Glitch Techs, you are equipped with a Gauntlet, which allows you to capture and contain "glitches" and gain XP. I feel like this show is really underrated, and I do not give a schnitzel if you say I'm too old for it. It's awesome.

Person 1: "Anyways... Have you heard that Glitch-Techs just released a new season?"
Epic Person: "Oh yeah! I love the show! Meko is my favorite Glitch Tech!"

by Sir Mango September 1, 2020

12๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

tech n9ne

Tech n9ne = fastest rapper Twista = just got BEAT! BY TECH NINA

Listen to the two rappers and then you'd know whos faster, itz about time that the new fastest rapper should be announced tech n9ne.

by tech9 December 12, 2007

105๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

kaynor tech

A school filled with whore and black big booty girls who want to beat up the white chicks...senior guys take advantage of white freshman girls because in their opinion their easy.

hey dude
yeah whats up?
see that girl over there?
yeah, why?

well she made out with a guy on my soccer team under the bleachers...and she goes to kaynor tech
okay, so what?
lets go fuck the shit out of her..i mean shes easy right?

by megan sarinona September 30, 2012


Not having the capacity to operate the simplest of electronics. This primitive species cannot understand the concept of "user-friendly" and often appears to be baffled by everyday occurrences.

No, it's not the batteries in the remote... it's you... Perhaps you should try not to be so tech-tarded.

by coffee_beanie February 26, 2011