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Mostly righteousness masked by indignation. Typically used by people to talk down to others about their choices in life, especially by those who need to slam others to feel better about themselves.

Who is she to be hanging out with him? Doesn't she have any self-respect?

by reading_from_wall_of_the_cave July 30, 2009

156πŸ‘ 114πŸ‘Ž

Respect women

Not making women feel unsafe in public spaces by avoiding specific actions.

β€œChad, dude, don’t talk to her, we’re at the gym. Respect women”
β€œYeah dude you’re right”

by RyanCreamer February 11, 2020

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

love and respect

L&R (Love and Respect) is something you may say to a very good friend when you say goodbye to eachother, meaning that you love and respect the person you say it to.

Hells Angels MC use L&R for their brothers in blood, and also normal people and between friends.

#1: Yeah il see you next month brother!
#2 Goodbye, Love and Respect to you my friend.

by LateNightRiding January 29, 2016

15πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

self respect

apparently its when you dont shag about and you have respect for your body and you dont just open your legs to any boy.

"that girl needs to get some fucking self respect"

by saraHHHahahaushdaiofsf May 1, 2006

207πŸ‘ 161πŸ‘Ž

respect women

an imaginary act that only exists in memes that does not involve grabbing breasts, hardcore anal, or sex without "yes daddy"

Odell: Yo dad, why aren't you pounding mom's thicc ass hard?

Dad: Well, we do gotta respect women sometimes right?

by Papa Frankuuuuu November 9, 2017

21πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Lack of Respect

Showing lack of respect by not being honest with friends who have done good by you.

Helped a friend who needed a job to get one who in turn showed a complete lack of respect by leaving without saying anything to his friend.

by Mrsatan May 31, 2017

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Respect the double

When someone says "respect the double," as long as both players agree, then it means that both gamblers promise to allow the other person to "double-or-nothing" the gamble.

Thomas and Billy are gambling. Before they gamble, Billy says "respect the double" which Thomas agrees to. Thomas then loses and says "double." Since, Billy said "respect the double" before the gamble, he must allow Thomas to "double-or-nothing."

by JarvisAustin00 November 28, 2021