Anton - Another puppy and dog were a victim of "Anton." A family known for puppy and dog trafficking and stealing throughout the United State of America. The dogs and puppies were with "Anton" and had to be "Anton'd" meaning thrown away or used for dog fighting. Also used for the their chop shop "employees." Anything and everything is possible with the "Anton." A way to get drugs, sex trafficking, stealing and possibilities are endless when the "Anton" hides their "Antonies" in their churches and "trucking" businesses. One must "Anton" the puppies and dogs.
Did you see the "Anton" puppy? It was stolen and used as bait for a dog fight the other night.
Did you get your new "Anton" car? It was chopped up using a Honda Civic that was "Antoned" from another city the other night. Did you see all the "Anton" drugs they all were using. They are going to get "Anton'd" tonight! Yeah!
He is the buffest person in the class and is immaculately majestic. This man is impeccable and has the most peccable abs.
Hey did you see Anton's abs? Aren't they just majestic?
Did you see Anton do that archer pull up! He's such a chad!
Anton ist ein unglaublich netter mensch.Er möchte das beste für jeden und ihn kümmert es nicht,was andere über ihn denken.Er ust immer für einen da wenn man ihn braucht und man kan stolz sein mit einem anton befreundet zu sein
Mensch 1:Er ist sooo lieb,er ist immer für mich da
Mensch 2:So ein richtiger anton,was?
The most magestical human being. Can turn into a chicken, dolphin, ect... He's like a dolittle. He can do anything. He is the Anton, the Anton, the creator of the world and existence as it stands.
Ieuan: You seen Anton?
Ice: What, the dolphin?
Ieuan: No man, the chicken, and the human and the dolphin, you dumb f*ck.
Girl: Who is that?
Someone: That is Anton
Girl: Oh, that is why he is ugly
Anton means to be beyond handsome. But not only on the outside but also on the inside. When talking to Anton you will immediately notice his intelligence and honesty. After about 2 minutes of talking to (or even just seeing ) Anton your heart will begin to melt. Anton is the most easy person to love because he is empathic and self reflected. Anton has the most beautiful eyes, especially in the combination with sunset light. He is open minded, funny and supportive. Falling in love with him is dangerous because it means that it will be impossible to stop loving him. Only jealous people talk bad about Anton. Many people wish to be that sexy, hot and perfect. He is really romantic and extremely good in bed. Anton could have any girl he wants, so when it comes to dating Anton, you will often be afraid that he finds something better. All the compliments aren’t really good enough to describe Anton but I hope that you understand what I mean. In conclusion Anton is the perfect man and a dream for every girl, he is not only the hot teenage crush but also the man you want to raise your children with one day.
1:Do you see this perfect guy over there ?
2:Oh yes it is Anton !
1👍 1👎
Anton is a guy with a big cock.
Girl 1: Omg. I had Sex with an Anton today.
Girl 2: What? And how long was the cock?
Girl 1: 30cm